Gun form!

Spear form!

Sniper mode!


The weapon spirit of the Heavenly Spear kept shouting.

She fought with these two people and was attacked from both sides. A dazzling light erupted between the three, and then they passed each other in an instant.


One of them had a crack in his shoulder, and arcs of electricity erupted.

He was wounded by the Spear of Heaven.

As expected, it's not a powerful artifact, otherwise we would have died long ago.

The man laughed, he was too quick, spread out his red wings, and like a divine bird flying across the sky, he pounced directly on the Spear of Heaven to capture it.

Sacred weapon, you also have your own thinking. It should be clear who has a better future with you!

The other person attacks mentally, trying to persuade him to surrender.

They are not worried about others coming to rob them.

Because this place has been blocked, no one can peek.

Go away, who didn't know that if it fell into the hands of people like you, it would only end up being disintegrated.

The weapon spirit girl had a cold smile on her lips.

It is true that she has her own thoughts, but she will never follow the high-entropy body in this world.

Artifact, you are too self-reliant. It is no longer your era. You are relics of the era and it is time to be eliminated.

The man who was laughing wildly offered a weapon.


Suddenly, the world seemed to explode, and the sonic boom was so violent that it was deafening.

This is a class weapon with extremely strong explosive power, using the power of myth analysis.

Swish, swish, swish! !

The Spear of Heaven was blown up and rolled continuously, and her eyes burst into flames.

As a divine weapon, it must not be insulted. Immediately, black petals bloomed from the muzzle of the gun, a dazzling light burst out, and artillery fire was used to fight back.


A terrifying beam of light shot out, followed by a large expanse of starlight pressing in, along with countless incomprehensible substances. These substances all made rumbling thunder sounds, and seemed to be able to explode everything.

This is the secret weapon of the Mechanical Angel Clan. It is called purple substance. It collects all kinds of deadly light from outside the territory and blends it into the gun body. Once it is hit, any hard things will turn into powder.


The person on the opposite side also directly used a class weapon in technology to form a protective shield of red, green, blue, yellow and purple. The light had a huge concentration and froze the void within a radius of dozens of miles.

As if in an instant, the air turned into steel and mercury, and all life forms under the sea stopped moving, because the frozen air was extremely heavy, making them feel like they were being pressed down by a thousand pounds.

Suddenly, the beam of purple material became extremely slow and was actually blocked.

This is a foreign sacred object, the colorful starry sky shield!

Zhanshendou exclaimed.

This colorful starry sky shield is definitely a complete holy object, and the Heavenly Spear now only has about 10% of its original power, and it was instantly lost.

Sword of God, although we don't recognize its owner, you and I are both grasshoppers in the same boat. Go and help her!

Ye Jue found his energy to speak to him.

You are right. If I am caught, I will definitely not be able to avoid being dismembered.

The God-Zhanping Sword is also aware of current affairs. It immediately flew out of the space bracelet and suddenly became extremely huge. The blade immediately burst out and turned into a blood-colored sword light that was a hundred feet long, and struck hard at the colorful starry sky shield.

At the same time, it also branched out two slightly smaller sword lights and slashed at the two people.

When he strikes out, it's a shocking move, an unexpected attack.


The expressions of the two men suddenly changed in shock. In this thick and thick sword energy, they were rising and falling, like a mountain torrent bursting through a bank.

Is this power also a divine weapon?

What the hell, this kid actually has two artifacts on his body?

The two of them were stunned. The armor on their bodies exploded, and they immediately replaced it with a new set of silver armor, which was no worse than before.

With the help of the God-Slaying Sword, the pressure of the Heavenly Spear was suddenly reduced, and the combined force knocked over the colorful starry sky shield, sending sparks flying and swinging it high.

Damn it, if my origin hadn't been damaged, how could I have been bullied by the holy weapon?

The weapon spirit girl of the Spear of Heaven gritted her teeth with an angry look on her face.

You're pretty good. I'm just a fragment. There are still nine pieces that I haven't found yet. I don't know where they are scattered.

Zhan Shen Dao was even more helpless.

The artifacts really have no dignity, and they actually teamed up to deal with the sacred objects. If you tell them, you will really laugh at others.

Two damaged artifacts, but the divine particles inside are intact. If we obtain them, we will gain the same power as unlocking the consciousness lock.

The two high-entropy entities were very greedy and felt that they had to get their hands on it.

Now the artifact is obviously no match for them, and it is protecting its master, otherwise it would have escaped long ago and they would not be able to catch up.

This gives them an opportunity, and they must seize it.


Lightning emitted from their bodies, and the power of myth continued to overflow from their bodies. They moved quickly, collided with two artifacts, and the entire sea area turned over.

Attack that knife first, he's very vulnerable now!

The two looked at each other and the energy furnace began to overclock crazily.


Suddenly red clouds rose into the sky, energy beams bloomed, and powerful spiritual bodies appeared behind them.





In just a short moment, their bodies exceeded 2500%! !

Buzz! !

Then I saw that their bodies were constantly spraying with rich energy brilliance, and their eyes were like golden lamps.

2500%, not counting their physical strength, which has already surpassed Ye Jue's physique.

Bang bang!

The sword light emitted by the God-Zhanbing Sword was shattered by the bombardment, the beam cannon of the Heavenly Gun was also exploded, and the weapon spirit girl was blasted into the gun body.

Now she is only equivalent to a Tyrannosaurus-level master. Although she can exert some magical effects of the Heavenly Spear, her strength is very weak, only about 10%.

This time the bombardment almost destroyed both body and soul.

I can't do it anymore, Ye Jue. If I regain my true strength, I won't pay attention to these two high-entropy bodies at all. It's really abominable. Now I'm beaten so hard that I can't show my body. One day I will regain my strength and take revenge. !”

The voice of the weapon spirit girl gradually became silent, and she fell into a deep sleep.

After all, she was hit directly and the injury was so serious that it would take at least a year and a half to recover.


The Spear of Heaven also suddenly lost its autonomy and floated quietly in the void.

Oops, something bad happened.

When Zhanshendou saw the opponent overclocking, he knew he was no match.

He didn't neglect either. With a movement of his body, he swept away the Spear of Heaven and returned to Ye Jue.

Ye Jue, we really tried our best. Thirty Star's high-entropy body is the most powerful in vitro technology. It can only be restrained for a short time!

He saw that Ye Jue was still absorbing the power of the stars to temper his spirit body, and couldn't help but speak.

Hmph, you dare to break through on the battlefield, you are seeking death!

One person snorted coldly and took out a long bow. This bow was a super compound bow. When it was pulled open, various energy rings spread out like ripples, which was very gorgeous.

This is also a class weapon in technology, called the Wanlian Bow. It is one level more powerful than the mythical bow used by Ye Jue before, because it is re-analyzed into technology and the two sides are integrated.


When this arrow is shot, black energy vortices appear one after another, which are devouring and absorb all the life in the nearby sea area.

All of a sudden, it turned into a terrifying giant vortex, covering Ye Jue's head.


Zhanshendou immediately called.

Don't worry, I succeeded!

At this moment, golden light spurted out from Ye Jue's body, and flames surged from his seven orifices and pores, rushing out of the black vortex. His eyes were like lamps, and his black hair was flying, instantly turning into an electric light and rushing out of the attack range.

In an instant, he exceeded 13 times the speed of sound. This was the first time he had flown so fast.

He still succeeded in practicing it, chase him!

The two of them had bright beams of light, and their bodies were like volcanic eruptions. Terrible magma flowed out of the energy furnace, and rivers of magma raged everywhere, which was extremely frightening.

Overclocking can still be maintained for a while, and it must catch up with Ye Jue.

In an instant, it turned into a chase.

After Ye Jue rushed out, he didn't look back at all. He carried a pair of gold and silver energy light wings on his back. After unfolding, there was a big explosion in the air.

At this time, the sonic boom around him was terrifying, and the air was collapsing, forming a series of explosions.

The human body can withstand such speed, thanks to its strong physique.

This kid flies so fast. We overclocked to 2500% and it's still hard to catch up?!

They frowned, but the distance was shortening, and it seemed that it was only a matter of time.

When you come to the stars, you will either be chased by cows or robots...

At this time, Ye Jue was depressed, and he decided to be cruel and do something big.


It was like the sky exploded, and a space crack suddenly appeared.


Ye Jue sank directly into it and disappeared.

Huh?! This space is a node channel, and inside it is the power of teleportation. This kid can actually open the node teleportation gate?!

The two high-entropy bodies flew in without any hesitation.

Because today I have to capture this kid no matter what, and obtain the divine particles and the Vajra Secret Scroll.

here it is?

They flew out of the space rift and came to a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. There were many flowers and plants planted, making it look like a paradise.

At this time, there was no trace of Ye Jue, but there were obvious footprints on the ground, proving that he had just arrived and had probably hidden himself.

Hmph, boy, can you hide it?

One of them punched out, carrying lava, and it felt like the bright sun was shining on the sky.

All of a sudden, the entire land exploded, and all the beautiful flowers and plants were destroyed.

Boy, come out!

The other figure was like a human-shaped bulldozer. It was like a scorching sun, rushing across the sky, breaking mountains, rivers and bridges.

Even the huge altar was not spared and was immediately shattered. The fruits, photos, and incense burners on it all exploded.

This is not over yet. The land of a seemingly homely manor has been torn into several pieces, with lava flowing everywhere, ushering in the end.

Found it, this guy is here!

Haha, where to go!

Finally, they discovered a humanoid shadow, and both sides captured him almost at the same time.

Huh? When did this kid grow horns?

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