Roar! ! !

The sheer number of demons chasing them...

A swarm of swarms rushed toward them!

The roar is so loud!

The street, which was silent except for the roar of demons, was extremely clear and terrifying! !

It was so shaking that the floors were shaking slightly.

It can only be described as thousands and endless!

It's over! It's over!

A person in the military truck fell to the ground with a bang, and was so frightened that he almost lost control.

Others could not stand such a terrifying scene and could only squat down and hold their heads.

It seems that this action can alleviate the inner fear.

I don't want to die, I don't want to!

Xu Wei, whose face was as swollen as a pig's head, woke up.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the desperate scene outside.

Instantly he started shouting.

Do you know how much my life is worth! Ahhh!

He roared! !

Snapped! !

Su Yan slapped him hard and knocked him out again.


Destruction filled the truck.

But no matter what they did, they couldn't stop the fact that a large number of demons had already pounced on them.

Death is so close.

And at this moment...

There seems to be a storm outside.

Bang bang bang! ! Boom boom boom! !

On the way to the mission destination...

The group of new human soldiers led by the lieutenant all looked in all directions as if they had seen a ghost!

The three views were completely destroyed again after the wasteland erupted! !

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

At this time, they only had these two words in their mouths.

When killing the thugs, Ye Jue had already shown a little bit of his strength.

They were nothing but shocked at the time.


They felt that Ye Jue was not a human being at all! !

Those demons were outside the window, like flies, howling and falling down.


Su Yan shouted excitedly.

Following Ye Jue, his heart was shocked again and again.

It’s so exciting!

So incredible! !

So amazing! !

Can he kill all the demons by himself?

Someone yelled in disbelief.

Who dares to believe it?

Who can understand this scene?

What did he do?

Why are those wind blades, fireballs, ice picks...

Can you shoot wildly in all directions without any restrictions?

This half hour...

It’s simply a feast of killing! ! !

Who is this Ye Jue?

Chen Ya couldn't suppress the shock in her heart and grabbed the car window with both arms.

Isn't it a fairy?

someone in the car blurted out.

This isn't a novel about cultivating immortals!

Some people even glared at him.

Everyone's eyes turned to the car window again.

The surrounding demon swarm has become stuck.

That's right.

Even the devil was shocked!

Their brains are frozen.

I have never encountered such a human being! ! !

There was a moment of deathly silence.

Puff puff!

The sound of destroying demons continued.

These demons that make humans scream and collapse in fear are now like a group of ants without any threat.

They fell in batches around Ye Jue.

Black blood, white brain!

A pile of wreckage and heads…

It’s just paved all around the road! !

It formed a picture of extreme fear but exhilaration.

Low-level skills are quite good for clearing out little devils.

The corners of Ye Jue's mouth curled up in satisfaction.

There are a total of twenty-three group attack skills extracted from his buff column.

The combination of various skills can be interspersed accurately, without any stiffness or dead ends.

The furthest twenty meters and within ten meters.

As long as you are within this range, you will continue to be bombarded by his buff.


No matter how many little devils come, they are all scum.

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