Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 648 Ten Thousand Years Fire Stone in Hell and Underworld

The East China Sea Divine Furnace is the top magic weapon in mythology. It is of the same level as foreign artifacts. It is not used for fighting, but for refining elixirs. It can refine a kind of elixir called practice pills. Each practice pill can Let a person who has never gone through the constitution flow directly transform and take a lot of it, and the energy will skyrocket, and he can easily reach the first dragon level in human form.

This Baicheng has done a lot of research on the East China Sea Divine Furnace and knows many legends.

Once the East China Sea Divine Furnace is mastered, it means that the road to mythology will be opened again, and the suffering in the world will be eliminated. When the furnace lid is opened, the spiritual energy will flow out, and the mythology will be completely revived!

He was extremely excited and said this to Ye Jue.

So magical?

Ye Jue was also extremely frightened.

I want to get this Donghai Divine Furnace no matter what, because it can actually flow spiritual energy?

Spiritual energy can be traced back to the era before the Eight Wastelands, Three Mountains and Four Seas. After all, it is just a legend.

But the East China Sea Divine Furnace cannot be used by those who are destined to use it. To use it, you must get the ten thousand year fire stone from the hell and the underworld to support the combustion. I can't even find the slightest clue in this hell and the underworld. I'm afraid I will never get the ten thousand year fire stone. No, without the ten thousand year flint, the East China Sea Divine Furnace will not be able to open.

Baicheng shook his head.

His search for the East China Sea Divine Furnace was just to find other important treasures in the Dragon Palace.

Even if you give him the divine furnace, he won't be able to use it, because the truth is so cruel.

Hell and the underworld, ten thousand years of fire stone?!

Ye Jue was stunned.

Isn't that the hell in the wasteland? Isn't the Sea of ​​Death the Dead Sea that divides the sixth to seventh levels of hell?

All of a sudden, his gaze was burning, and his heart was extremely surging.

It's so amazing. I didn't expect that the ten thousand-year fire stone of Hell and Sea that no one can find is actually under the wasteland.

If you get the East China Sea Divine Furnace and get the Ten Thousand Years Fire Stone, you will really open up the myth.

Brother Ye Jue, you are also a person who follows the path of mythology, and you are also a pure-blood. Are you even more interested in mythical treasures of this level?

Baicheng said quickly: I will give the East China Sea Divine Furnace to you. I only want another treasure, the East China Sea Dragon Pearl.

The Dragon Pearl of the East China Sea is a top magic weapon that was refined from Jiutian Hantie in the Bagua Furnace. When this treasure was completed, God gave it divine fire, which ignited the East China Sea for hundreds of years. It was once a powerful weapon, intimidating the three realms of Kyushu.

His eyes sparkled with excitement.

If you don’t follow the path of mythology, you will never understand the fun of treasure hunting. Others will not understand the admiration and pursuit of ancient mythology.

Brother Ye Jue, I only want the Dragon Pearl of the East China Sea, and all other important treasures will be yours, such as the Soul-Sealing Wuxin Juechen Sword, a magic weapon once held by the Prince of the East China Sea. Once he rode Juechen, all swords trembled in fear.

Baicheng sat in the belly of the fish and spoke with excitement.

There are many hundred-refined weapons in the Dragon Palace that belong to you. Each one is of the highest quality and has a soul. Lingyuan, Mizong, and Soul-Taking. They have been recreated by the Liangyi Divine Furnace. They have souls. The shape of gold and jade flowing.”

But the Bagua Furnace and the Liangyi Divine Furnace have to trace other clues. We should focus on the present, empty the Dragon Palace and make a fortune!

He was heartless and had a deep understanding of various mythological stoves. He told Ye Jue without any reservations.

Dragon Palace is a place of inheritance. This ancient holy land must be guarded by immortal souls. How can it be so easy to obtain?

Ye Jue warned him and asked him to calm down.

At the same time, he is not optimistic, because this person's strength is only in the early stage of human form. If he goes to a dangerous place like the Dragon Palace to find opportunities, without strong strength, he is probably going to die.

If he hadn't accidentally stumbled here and saved him, he would probably have turned into fish feces and been discharged into the ocean in a short time.

The spirit of adventurous treasure hunting is commendable, but you must also act within your ability.

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