This is so!

I definitely can’t stay here!

However, the Long Roar Base, with a population of perhaps one million, can stop these demons?

Wait... Longxiao Mountain? Dragon Roar Base?

What is the connection between Longxiao Base and Longxiao Mountain?

Why do the three words Long Xiaoshan appear in my head?

Ye Jue felt even weirder.

We are actually here to recruit staff from powerful outsiders to go to the Long Roar Base to jointly resist this wave of zombies. If the base is destroyed, we will really be doomed.

Yang Wenchao sighed helplessly.

The Dragon Roar Base is the only base nearby and one of the sparks of civilization. No matter what you say, it can't be destroyed. The tide of six million demons must be blocked no matter how hard you try.

How many days will it take to arrive?

Ye Jue asked.

Ten days at the latest!

Yang Wenchao said seriously.

Ten days?

Ye Jue had a headache.

It's nothing, you can leave first, I will think about it.

Ye Jue came back to his senses and said.

Well, we still have a mission to inform other upgraders, so we'll take the first step.

Yang Wenchao nodded.

Boss, let's go!

The woman and two men waved to him, their faces seemed familiar, as if they had seen them in a previous life.

They just disappeared into the green mist, making Ye Jue lose his mind for a while.

He felt that there was something wrong with his head, as if he was schizophrenic.

Ye Jue shook his head vigorously, getting rid of all the messy things and thinking about the present.

I want to see what's wrong with me.

On this day, he slaughtered like crazy, but every killing shook out a violent energy.

Level 6!

Level 7!

Level 8!

Level 9!

Level 10!

He was escalating with an unstoppable momentum, just like turning the river upside down.

What's wrong with me?

Ye Jue looked at his hands.

When he punched down, there was lightning, hot air, and too much movement, which directly killed the demon captain in front of him, killing him instantly.

However, this was just an ordinary punch that he used to circulate the energy in his body and was very calm.

How about we get serious?

Ye Jue raised it and blasted it away.

boom! !

A big explosion suddenly occurred in this place, and the energy was like the waves crashing on the shore, making many people's ears ring, and then they felt like they were hit by a prehistoric dinosaur, causing severe pain all over their bodies.

A group of people watching the excitement simply cried for their fathers and mothers, and they all flew out. After the energy exploded, many people coughed up blood, which was a bit miserable.

What kind of god is this?

It's too cruel. Whether it's a mutated demon or a demon captain, they are just toys in his hands.

I feel shocked by the energy that was stirred up, and now I have serious internal injuries.

People who discovered Ye Jue's existence were shocked.

They looked at this land god in disbelief, with shock on their faces.

Hello, I am the commander-in-chief of Longxiao Base, Long Shaoqin. I welcome you to join this base and fight against the tide of millions of demons.

Long Shaoqin said with great respect, and the deputy commander Wei Ting behind him looked even more adoring.

Then, the place boiled.

A young human being blasted out into the sky and wiped out all the demon lairs nearby. It was so unbelievable that it shocked everyone.

At this time, even the dullest person can understand that there is a monster here in the Eastern World!

However, the things that shocked them did not end, because this young man single-handedly attacked the six million demon tide, causing the sky to collapse and violent hurricanes swirling everywhere.

In just a few days, the six million demon tide was completely wiped out...

This achievement shocked the world, and the land here was dyed red, and blood became rivers.

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