It's time for Super Extreme Nitro Boost!

Qin Jiaoxian knew that he couldn't get rid of them, so he had to use a trick.


Under the boost, the car almost turned into a phantom, tearing up the air, and in an instant it was shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

External technology has begun to be liberated. We must kill them and take back our things!

The people who caught up were still unwilling to give up and were bound to kill them.


Qin Jiaoxian stepped on the accelerator directly.


Qin Xiu immediately screamed and fastened her seat belt tightly.

Oh my God!

She even felt that her body was running forward and her soul was chasing after her.

Boom boom boom! !

This shuttle car is like a beast breaking free from the shackles of its prison. Rushing all the way, any ferocious beast was crushed to pieces almost instantly.

! ! !

A black hurricane blew up on the road. It wasn't over yet. Qin Jiaoxian slapped the giant red button on the steering wheel.


The rear of the car suddenly fell off, and an irregular and terrifying jet port was exposed.


Buzz! ! !

The jet port burst out suddenly, spraying out a rectangular flame. This was one of Qin Xiu's modified functions, the super-heavy particle jet tube.

What kind of modified car is this?

People watching the live broadcast were stunned.

Their eyes filled with shock?

Superheavy particle emission engine, how the hell was this modified?

Modifiers are absolutely divine!


They were all dumbfounded!

The car dragged a long flame, and the engine accelerated to more than twice the speed of sound!


Qin Jiaoxian decided to get rid of these people in one go.

Sister, you are crazy!

Qin Xiu, who was in the passenger seat, was shocked.

I saw that this sacred car suddenly braked, and a pungent smell of burning appeared on the ground.

what's the situation?

Are they waiting for people from the extraordinary organization?

No, that's too arrogant!

Everyone in the live broadcast was stunned.


With a boom sound, the car actually flew up.

That's right, it was ejected from the spot and flew up. The impact was extremely strong and eye-catching.

I said!



Everyone was dumbfounded again.

This god-level female driver is so irritable.

Because he had no fear at all, he plunged headlong into the depths of the mutation zone, where almost all kinds of ferocious beasts were found.

Brutal mode on!

As Qin Jiaoxian's voice control came down, the jet port behind the car's butt appeared to be warming up, and it suddenly broke through the speed of sound in the air and began to fly.

I said!!

Flying again!!

Why should I add another one?!!!

There was another scream.

The land vehicle jetted for a distance in the high air, crossed the beast restricted area, and suddenly landed on a spacious avenue.

It's amazing!

Everyone who watched the live broadcast was shocked. They actually left the extraordinary organization behind.

How about it?

Qin Jiaxian was also in shock, with cold sweat breaking out on his face.

I had used all my special skills just now, especially at the last moment when the entire car body started to fall apart.


As soon as the car stopped, Qin Xiu immediately vomited and almost vomited out bile.

The extraordinary organization has been chasing us for so long, but they still refuse to give up. It's all your fault for stealing their interstellar fire and provoking them. Your parents were forced to teleport to other interests to avoid being hunted. I'm really offended by you. What a disaster, you troublemaker!

Qin Jiaxian has a bad face and now wants to slap her to death.

Sister, this is the spark of fire among the stars, aren't you excited?

Qin Xiu raised her head with a sad face.

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