But, it's not easy. During this time, I left Blue Star and went outside the Divine Seal. Following the instructions from the Saint of the Angel Clan, I risked my life to get a piece of the fragment. But now, it's too late to say this.

The clone Black Ye Jue roared loudly, representing his anger. Like monstrous magma, it soared into the sky. Many base buildings in this area shook and were about to collapse.

In fact, he knew that the main body was very scary. He had been preparing for this battle and showed all his cards, but he was still not as good as the main body.

Why exactly?

The clone Black Leaf Jue's extremely angry and wild roar shocked everyone.

In an instant, there were explosions in the sky one after another. Ye Jue and his clones exploded with great power, hitting them 800 meters away in dozens of rounds.

Ye Jue turned around and turned into Hong Jun. Thunder and lightning were dancing on his body. He couldn't control it at all. He punched out with a punch that was 1,500 meters long, carrying blazing lightning and emitting a brilliant arc of light.

This scene left a deep impression on too many people.

Is this the person who walks the path of myth? With one punch, he is invincible and can break mountains apart. It's so shocking.

Many people were excited.

The physique flow that follows the path of mythology is like the immortal cultivators in previous novels, relying on their bodies to ascend and conquer the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation.

But who knew that it would be too difficult to cultivate the spiritual body on the Mythical Path, that is, the spiritual body, and it would take too many rare and valuable treasures to be destroyed. Many necessary heavenly materials and earthly treasures have disappeared in the long river of history.

We, the old immortals at the Tyrannosaurus level, have just surpassed Jin Xi in our spiritual bodies and reached the Guanyu level. We have cultivated powerful crystal cells and have Tyrannosaurus particles, so we can barely survive.

The Great Wilderness Sutra is very important. If you read it in its entirety, you can easily break through the humanoid primary dragon, reach the Tyrannosaurus level, and unlock the next shackles of your body.

When our spiritual bodies reached the Guanyu level, we were influenced by the Great Wilderness Sutra. Not only can it help people break through their physiques, it is also a treasure for the soul.

The immortal existence in Bahuang is being discussed.

If you want to become a god on the mythical path, it is at least a thousand times more difficult than other paths, because the Guanyu level is only the second level of the spiritual body. The true power of cultivating for a hundred generations, one flower, one world, one leaf, one heaven, this realm is legendary You can enter and leave the constraints of suffering at any time and appear in a certain life.

The Silver-Eyed Lion King is still watching the battle, telling everyone fairy tales, of course they are just legends.

I heard that there is a kind of technology in this world that can analyze the power of myths. It is convenient and quick, and it can be done in one step without even practicing. I can only say haha ​​to this. Just plucking a hair and saying that you ate a whole pig?

He was very domineering, and telling the world like this shocked the pure-blooded humans.


In mid-air, electric light surged and sparks flew everywhere. The clone Black Ye Jue used the God-Zhanbing Sword to block it, but was still blown away and crashed into the ruins behind him.

This ruin was originally a city, with some tall buildings that did not collapse.


Suddenly, fire poured out, the light surged, and a tall building completely melted into liquid, like a volcano erupting.

Everyone was horrified. This kind of flame was extraordinary. It was all black. It was the flame emitted by the clone. It carried a terrifying aura and was unstoppably hot.

Why on earth, why should I be born, why should I have your memory? I would rather go blank!

The clone Black Leaf Jue let out a long roar.

He pushed with both hands, and the energy condensed into a huge black flame. The temperature was so high and scary that it blasted directly towards Ye Jue in mid-air.

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