Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 615 The artifact is recognized as its owner!

Ye Jue no longer cared about the surprise of the artifact. He exploded the Chulong Particles with all his strength, spread the wings on his back, and pierced the sky like a bolt of lightning.

At this time, we can no longer move forward quietly. We must get out of the attack range of the giant fishing hook.

Watch out, it's coming!

The weapon spirit girl screamed.

This is an extremely strange and terrifying scene. The giant fishing hook condensed in the void seems to have eyes and strikes in the lightning. It is extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Ye Jue was running away like crazy. The gold and silver force fields overlapped. His power reached its extreme. Under the pull of gravity, his figure flew like lightning. He needed to rush out of this road as fast as possible.

Otherwise, the fishing hook will take him away, and there is no doubt about his fate. Nothing good will happen.

In order to deal with Ye Jue, the existence of operating the fishing hook obviously used extremely high-end power.

No matter how fast he ran away, the hook could always catch up.


There was an explosion, which was when Heaven's Gun couldn't help but take action.

But it didn't have any effect at all, and it didn't stop the attack of the fishing hook at all.

It's so scary. What kind of material is this made of? I'm a divine particle, a truly complete artifact, but I can't even hurt it at all?

The more the weapon spirit girl thought about it, the more incredible it became.

Ye Jue's figure was like lightning, constantly walking through various obstacles.

There were more and more fishing hooks in the sky, each one a condensed super fishing hook. The situation was getting more and more serious, to the point where Ye Jue didn't dare to stop at all and could only sprint with all his strength.

However, he couldn't get away at all and kept getting closer.

He was not the only target, but the Spear of Heaven was also hit, and was chased by many hooks.

If this continues, we will all fall here. There is only one way to increase our speed now, and that is to merge with me.

Heavenly Spear's expression changed. She had pushed her speed to the limit, but she still couldn't distance herself.

The speed of those hooks was too weird, and they just hooked toward both of them without making any sound.

It seems that it is not easy to find such a fun object, like a cat and a mouse, it has to play with it enough first, and then finally devours it.

And they are the poor little mice.

The integration of man and machine into one, allowing the divine particles to merge into my body?

Ye Jue frowned.

This was not a good suggestion and would most likely cause him to lose control of his body.

But now he was in a desperate situation. He even wanted to pretend to be dead and see if the hook would catch him.

You are not happy by merging with me. You can obtain divine particles, which are the strongest particles and can directly enhance your physique by about five hundred times.

The weapon spirit girl said quickly.

In fact, fusion means recognizing the master. For me, after recognizing the master, I can unlock many hidden powers and get all-round improvement. But you can't control me. You can only get the permission to use it. Only then can the artifact spirit truly control the artifact. The presence.

she added immediately.

What are you waiting for? Recognize the Lord.

Ye Jue's whole body was projected out like a cannonball, and he instantly crashed into the pile of rocks in front of him. In order to avoid a fishing hook, the situation was too critical and he could only dodge like this.

However, these stones were so hard that they made him feel dizzy.

Hey, the Heavenly Gun, the artifact of the Mechanical Angel Clan, is in the process of being recognized as its owner...

Hey, the recognition of the master is successful. You have gained level 3 authority.


Ye Jue's body instantly became extremely gorgeous, releasing the aura of the peak of a humanoid dragon.

1500 times the physique, 850,000 total energy value, just the energy value has surpassed the clone!

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