Hey, that's the Divine Sword opposite. Isn't it dead? I miss it so much that I can see it again.

The weapon spirit girl of Heaven's Spear discovers the God-Zanbing Sword.

She knew the origin of the God-Slaying Sword.

It was once a powerful refining tool of a powerful clan that communicated with the origin of the universe. However, I heard that it was later shattered and some of the fragments were scattered between heaven and earth.

Huh? The familiar aura, it turned out to be you. I didn't expect you to wake up too. At that time, weren't you half-killed by a blow from a peerless artifact, and then completely destroyed?

Suddenly, the weapon spirit of the Divine Sword also made a sound.

As soon as they met, they became tit-for-tat and exposed each other's scars.

The Spear of Heaven had unfortunately fallen, the God-Slaying Sword was also seriously damaged, and the spirit of the weapon was sleeping in the endless space.

Now they have finally awakened from the collision and are very active. If the artifact advances and retreats together with others, there will be wonderful benefits.

Stop talking nonsense, can you kill them?

The cloned body, Black Leaf, is stunningly beautiful and fierce, and Cross Breaking God is operating crazily on in vitro technology.

While I was damaged, she was more damaged than I was.

The weapon spirit of the God-Slaying Sword said.

Then let's kill!


Almost at the same time, the Spear of Heaven in Ye Jue's hand automatically counterattacked and shot out Phoenix fireworks.

The next moment, it turned into a spear and flew out with Ye Jue's body.


The clone roared, wielding the God-Slaying Sword and exerting heaven-defying power. The black wings behind its back buzzed crazily, and it used the cross move to destroy the gods.


The weapon spirit girl of the Heavenly Spear also swooped over, and Ye Jue was also using Yi Qi to turn Hong Jun. The gold and silver wings flapped, and the speed increased sharply, killing the clone.


In mid-air, violent waves of energy surged, like a sea of ​​magma boiling. The place was blazing and terrifying.


The clone Black Ye Jue's fists blasted out one after another, and his power was particularly domineering.

The God-Zhanping Sword also automatically faced the enemy, fighting with the Spear of Heaven, both sides releasing cold energy.

Ye Jue's fists were radiant with light, constantly blasting out whirlpools, and he fought with the clones continuously.

Boom, boom, boom! !

Every punch came back with a powerful force.

At the same time, the violent black flames on the clones continued to sweep over them.

A fierce battle broke out completely, and a devastating disaster occurred in the arena. The protective shields in the stands shook repeatedly, for fear of being destroyed in the next moment.


Ye Jue found an opportunity and punched the clone in the abdomen.


The clone was coughing up blood, and his face looked ugly. Because he was missing an arm, his body was too seriously injured and he was a little weak.

In particular, the main body is particularly resistant to beatings and is difficult to kill effectively.

It really surprised him.

Is everything Zhao Yin said true?

Does the body really have immortality?

His face was gloomy. At this moment, he really felt that there was a big secret in his body that had not yet been revealed to the world.


The God-Decapitating Sword shattered the void, struck at once, and cut off Ye Jue's arms on the spot, leaving a mass of white bones.

This made people in the stands gasp.

But the next moment, I saw flesh and blood repairing crazily. Such powerful and pure flesh and blood can be repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. The cells are too strong.

boom! !

Immediately, the God-Slaying Sword was hit by a beam of light, and with a dang sound, it hit the ground of the arena like a piece of bright silver light.

If it were on land, and the land was too fragile, the first layer of netherworld might directly collapse.

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