
The scene of the artifact appeared, and there was no doubt that the clone Black Ye Jue disappeared from the spot.

He was teleported and disappeared without a trace.

Where did you hide my clone?

Ye Jue's face turned dark and he questioned.

The arena has been opened. He is in the arena. Do you want to go on stage and fight? The number one on the hero list is Ye Jue.

The man in black robe spoke without emotion, as if he was handing over a mission.


Ye Jue nodded.

He didn't want to fight in the wasteland anymore, too many things would be destroyed.

Go ahead.

The man in black robe nodded and directly announced the rules of the game to the world.

The winner will receive the winner's reward. If the loser is killed, the body will be determined by the winner.

After such a long time, the arena is open again, but this time it's not a battle between demons, but a war of internal strife.

It contains a lot of information and is spread all over the world.

The arena can directly attract the soul, allowing everyone to see it from the stands.

Look, this is the handsome figure of our president!

an acquaintance shouted.

Look at the other side. It doesn't look like a human anymore. It looks like a super giant bat.

Others looked at the clone Black Ye Jue. The black wings were too huge and uncoordinated. They were equipped with extracorporeal technology, and their huge pupils and eyes were sweeping across, like a devil.

boom! !

At this moment, Ye Jue and the clone rushed towards each other and collided without hesitation.

But this time it was a divine weapon versus a divine weapon, and the power was too great.

But here you can free yourself at will, and I don’t know what technology the man in black robe used.

Oh my god, this is a close-up view, it's so exciting!

It turns out that the battle between the world's number one and the world's number two is like this.

Artifacts collide with artifacts, and bodies collide with bodies. No matter how you look at it, the replica suffers a big loss.

Many people looked at the scene in shock. Protected by a super energy shield, they finally didn't have to look away.

This battle should be over.

Ye Jue once again stood on the arena, but not to kill the demon god, but to kill his clone.

This is a matter of winning or losing.

Many people felt that their scalps were numb and their blood was boiling in their chests, stimulating emotions deep in their hearts.


The next moment they collided with each other, their artifacts colliding with each other.



Suddenly, there was a sound from the God-killing Sword, and it turned out to be a trace of the divine particle making a sound, and it was sound-like.

Where is this? Where is my tribe?

The blonde girl also yawned and seemed to have slept for a long time.

Only the upper body of the divine particles is exposed, while the lower body is submerged in the weapon for nourishment.

Heavenly Spear, can you fight for me?

Ye Jue said immediately.

Why? Just because you revived me accidentally? In fact, it would be the same if it were someone else.

The blond girl was hard to talk to and had a weird temper. She stared at Ye Jue as if she was appraising his appearance and figure.

In the end, she was very dissatisfied and told Ye Jue this.

If you want to fully recover, you must listen to me.

Ye makes no secret of it.

The divine particles are very powerful, but the premise is that he must constantly infuse energy into the artifact to keep the blond girl in a state of recovery, which ordinary people cannot do.

Hmph, who gave you the courage to use me? Are you looking for excitement and seeking your own death? Do you understand?

On the other side, the clone Kuro Yejue looked embarrassed.

The god of the God of War Sword also has a strange personality. He is more conceited than him and is accusing him of awakening himself.

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