After fighting for thousands of rounds, Ye War God won a small victory!

The clone is so miserable, there are shoe marks on its face!

With weapons taken away and an arm lost, how can we make a comeback?

At this moment, people are making different voices.

The most impressive thing is the shoe mark on the face of the clone. The mark is so deep that it looks like it was kicked down from the sky. It will not recover for a while.

This is a slap in the face, haha!

Someone at the scene laughed.

However, he immediately broke out in cold sweat because he felt that the god of death was suddenly looming over him.


The man was instantly frightened to death. He thought the clone Black Ye Jue was coming to kill him, so he panicked and fled.


The clone Kuroye Jue wiped the shoe prints on his face hard, and his whole face turned green.

Since his birth, he has never encountered such a big loss, which made him explode with anger.

Okay, okay, you are forcing me to use the power to destroy the planet.

Black Leaf Jue gritted his teeth and made a sonorous sound.


Ye Jue frowned.

The inner eye of the mind noticed a very dangerous precognitive picture.

It was a long, glistening green knife, and the clone was moving it with all its strength. Two golden lights burst out from its pupils, and a powerful aura overflowed.


As his pale golden eyes opened and closed, his entire body turned into a ball of light falling from the sky.

The immortal hand that turns Hongjun is released in one breath, regardless of whether it is successful or not.

God-cutting sword!

The clone Black Leaf Zetsu roared.

The body is dazzling, the black ring is rotating, and the power of life and death flows. The power of death is aimed at the mid-air.


The green long knife appeared and flew directly out of the clone's body. Zhan Ge rang softly and collided with Ye Jue.


The void trembled, and a huge sound rang out. The sound penetrated everyone's ear bones and pierced into their hearts.


These people were holding their heads. The sound was like a big millstone spinning in their heads. It was really uncomfortable.


A terrible thing happened. Ye Jue's whole body was cracked before the God-Slaying Sword even touched him.

The last time his whole body cracked was during a big explosion.

Now that his body has advanced to two major levels, there are still signs of cracks.

And it made a cracking sound like porcelain, and the bones seemed to be broken.

This power is too strong. Is it a top holy weapon? No, it seems to be a divine weapon?

The mythical people in Bahuang screamed in surprise.

The artifact reappears!

Everyone's hair stood on end. It was here that they saw the artifact for the first time.

Why do artifacts appear? This shouldn't happen. Every artifact is a treasure and it is impossible to master it. Some powerful people will never see it once in their lives.

This is the first time in their lives that they want to immediately break away from the legacy of the myth and go to the scene to snatch this treasure.

What would the great mythical beings in this world be afraid of? It must be a divine weapon. If they get a body, they can travel across the land. If they get a divine weapon, they can roam the world.

It's really the aura of an artifact, but it's not an artifact from the path of mythology. It comes from outer space and was forged by other races with great power. It's very likely that a god was sacrificed.

They held their breath. It was said that every artifact was refined by the soul of a god.

As for why these gods want to refine themselves into weapons, you have to ask the parties involved. This is also an unsolved mystery and remains to be studied in the future.

No matter what, I have to steal and analyze an artifact. Our clan is invincible!

In addition to the big guys in the space fold, some humanoids couldn't sit still, their eyes were straight, and they wanted to stop the fight immediately.

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