Bang bang!

Ye Jue frequently changed mythical weapons too fast, breaking one and then replacing it with another.

Each of these mythical weapons can exert its strongest attack in his hands, and then it will be unable to withstand his power and collapse.

This junior doesn't have a mythical weapon at his disposal, otherwise his strength would be improved again.

Comments from the strong men in Mythical Legacy.

There are only holy weapons, or weapons of a higher level in mythology.

Someone also said.

It's just that the stronger weapons in the myth can be traced back to the more distant world of eight wastelands, three mountains and four seas.

The weapons of that world can easily flatten a large mountain, and possess world-shattering power, comparable to the sacred weapons of foreign nations.

These sacred weapons are not weapons from the path of mythology, they all come from foreign races.


Ye Jue roared, lifted up a rock from the cliff, threw it with his right hand, and hit it hard in the direction of the clone.

Now that the clones are suffering setbacks one after another, it is a good opportunity to eliminate them.


The void trembled, and the cliff stone directly hit the black wings on the clone.

Wow! !

The black wings suddenly burst out with blazing flames, but this blow was imbued with the same power as Ye Jue's mountains and seas, and his divine power was astonishing.

Quickly retreat!!

Some people were frightened and hid quickly.

Because that cliff rock sent the clone flying over, and it made such a terrifying impact, it was really scary.

boom! !

The rocky mountain shattered and rocks flew, but the force was so fierce that it flew all over the sky like a downpour and fell like a knife blade.

Puff puff!!

The clone was frustrated again and his face turned livid.

Now he feels very uncomfortable, losing an arm, and his body is weakened every time he collides.

Moreover, the main body is merciless in its attacks.

Swish, swish, swish!

Ye Jue took out another mythical bow from the space bracelet, stretched it with his feet, and stretched the giant string with both hands.


The arrows shot out trigger the energy to turn into a giant, and the combat power is increased by about 100 times, and the arrows are continuously bent and fired.

In the blink of an eye, he shot twenty-five, all of them several miles long, accompanied by lightning and thunder.

In the end, this mythical bow was broken and turned into scrap.

However, it is not really a waste product and can be fused a second time.

Maybe other weapons can be born.

Buzz Buzz

This was an extremely terrifying scene. The void collapsed, and wherever the twenty arrows passed, large black cracks spread everywhere.

The first arrow hit the clone directly and shot it into the sky. Everyone present was in an uproar.

Then came the second arrow, and another exclamation sounded.

The third arrow, the fourth arrow, the fifth arrow, the sixth arrow...

Each one is like a stream of light, shooting the replicas high into the sky, directly rushing out of the atmosphere.

The seventh arrow, the eighth arrow, the ninth arrow, the tenth arrow...

At this moment, the clone Black Ye Jue has turned into a star.

This is a real star, shining with black light in the distant space, very dazzling.

Whoosh whoosh!

Followed by all the remaining arrows, they all poured towards the black star.

The satellite captured the replica Black Ye Jue being shot to the moon. The wings of the extracorporeal technology are burning and there seem to be signs of burnout.

All the spectators murmured, wouldn't the clone be unable to return on the moon?

But no, he fought back!

Many people pointed at the black star and shouted.

The black stars got bigger and bigger, and finally the sky was filled with black flames, as if the world was coming to the end of the world again.

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