The flesh and blood of Tianlong is really good.

Ye Jue affirmed.


The clone was immediately furious and took steps forward, his eyes red.



No matter how good-tempered he was, he couldn't bear it. When the word just fell to the ground, he moved, the sky collapsed, the surroundings exploded, and then melted again!

The energy gathered on the Spear of Longinus, ghostly and fierce, turning into a huge roaring light dragon, directly and viciously stabbed Ye Jue's heart!

In an instant, the surrounding air was turbulent!

Ye Jue's energy was astonishing at this moment. In human form, Chulong was the only one in the sky and on the earth, as if he was invincible.

His face was calm, a roar came from himself as the center point, the void was trembling, and it collided with it forcefully.

boom! !

This explosive scene was so terrifying that it instantly turned the area into a sea of ​​​​fire. Magma spewed out and then evaporated. The scene was horrifying.

This firecracker is a bit big, enough to shock the world!

It's too strong. Is this the strongest showdown in the world?

Lu Juan felt that he was still too young.

Because he only felt that he was far away, the fiery energy and the unparalleled purity duel made his scalp numb! ! !


Just when he was stunned and stunned, a sword energy soared into the sky and penetrated the clouds. The fire was surging and dazzling.


So beautiful!

Just as everyone was amazed, a few drops of blood seemed to fall from the sky.

This is Ye Jue using a mythical weapon. I saw several swords were cut off before the clone was injured!

Someone made a shocking scream.

Not just him, many people were suffocated at this moment.

It was as if their hearts were about to jump out of their throats.


The battle was still going on, especially Ye Jue's whole body was glowing, and the palm he struck out was like a sun rising across the sky, erupting in a fierce light that enveloped the forest and his clone.

A violent explosion, like thunder, sounded on the land.

They are all trying their best to collide with each other!

Everyone present felt as if their ears were deafened, stars were shining in their eyes, and their bodies were swaying and trembling.

Even the internal organs seemed to be broken.



This is the feeling of everyone present, but at this time, they don't even bother to experience these feelings!

Even if his body is suffering extremely unbearable pain and oppression.

This is an amazing showdown and I have to see it until the end.

One by one, they raised their heads desperately, opened their eyes, and looked at the Jedi in the distance.

At this moment, everyone held their breath!

Ye Zhan Shen is too invincible. He uses the mythical weapon as a hatchet to chop.

these people screamed.

Too many have been cut off, each one is a valuable treasure and can despise the hot weapons of the human race.

This is because the copy's energy is too strong, its speed is too fast, and its divine light is overwhelming.

Ye War God was blown away!

Many people on the field let out high-pitched screams.

I didn't expect that your spiritual body has been cultivated to the level of crystal. If it surpasses Juechen and has crystal cells, it will be really difficult to kill you.

The clone Black Ye Jue's perception range was very wide, and he noticed a fluctuation in the surrounding space.

A trace of icy murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes. His speed was very fast, reaching the extreme. He took one step and was three miles away, and the black light rushed towards the sky and the earth.

Almost instantly the land here was directly destroyed by his violent energy!

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