This is a divine armor specially designed to deal with you. It has absorbed a total of one thousand and eight Heavenly Dragon scales.

Black Leaf's blood energy surged, and the whole body's aura was terrifying.

Especially the spear in his hand had a biting cold light and was gilded as a whole. It seemed to be something other than an ordinary thing.

The spear in your hand is special.

Ye Jue squinted his eyes.


The mini communicator suddenly rang. This communicator was stored in his ear and would never ring unless there was an extreme emergency.

President, the energy monitoring of this spear shows that it has the power of at least 1 million energy explosions. It is unpredictable and extremely dangerous!

This was an urgent message from the base to him.

As soon as this report came out, the entire Peak Base was horrified and trembled.

The explosive power of 1 million energy is unimaginable!

Then it's a sacred weapon.

After Ye Jue got the news, his expression naturally changed slightly.

This was his first time fighting a sacred weapon, and he had never had such an experience in his previous life.

What's more, this copy never appeared in the previous life.

He couldn't even figure out what the butterfly effect had brought about.

A clone with similar strength to him is going to appear, and now we have to go to war with him.

Huh? It seems that you know that this is indeed a sacred weapon, and the garbage on Shinhwa Road cannot compare to it.

The clone smiled, and black energy suddenly overflowed from the spear, forming a vortex, crushing the flying sand and gravel, and tearing apart large tracts of land with its breath.

This is the spear of Longinus. It has a very simple ability. It can hit everything it hits with perfect accuracy. It comes from the true angel family.

He raised the black spear and pointed it at Ye Jue's body.

As long as I kill you, as long as you disappear, I will be my original body, and no one will dare to call me a copy again!

Black Ye Jue's eyes were fiercely gleaming.

As long as the main body is killed, the wasteland will usher in a new chapter, which is the arrival of angels and bugs. Demons will not be afraid of them, and all patterns will be changed.

The power of angels is the most powerful force to restrain demons, and the Zerg's external technology is even more unique. He can also lead the pure-blooded human race to glory, and the whole world will listen to his orders.

These arrogant words came out coldly and resounded throughout this area, reaching hundreds of miles away!

Everyone heard it!

This is the future described by the clone. For a moment, the whole world was shocked!

If he could really get help from the power of angels, he would really have nothing to fear from the pure-blood human race's biggest enemy.

Not to mention the Zerg technology, various wormholes, biological combat navigation, and biological combat armor are undoubtedly a new era.

The arrival of the angels is not a good thing. It will be the worst future for Blue Star. It may bloom brilliantly, but that is only for those who come.

Ye Jue shook his head.

He had seen it with his own eyes, and his heart was filled with rage. Foreigners were always foreigners.

If the pure-blood human race really wants to rely on the power of angels, the road will go astray just like in the previous life, the world will enter darkness, and life will come to an end.

The heritage of the pure-blooded human race comes from mythology. The reappearance of mythology is the best proof.

From the bottom of his heart, what Ye Jue is most optimistic about is the mythical path, which is very suitable for human beings.

But if you are not careful, you will go astray.

Those foreign races are so domineering that they completely look down on the life on Blue Star with a look down upon them.

Expecting them to hand out is simply the wrong decision.

If pure-blood humans want to stand up, they must rely on their own strength.

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