Ye Jue didn't even check it carefully.

The mythical moves are stored in the buff column, which means there is no consumption when using them and they can be used without any restrictions at any time.

No matter what, he can maintain the maximum energy value and keep the Chulong particle cells in the most dynamic state to cope with various mutation situations.

What if the first form of Dark Tribulation Eight Wus, Tiancan Qianchenlie and Ran Deng Yi Zhang·World-Transcending Buddha Flame are fused?

He couldn't help but look at the fusion probability.

The chance is only 5%, but it will definitely fuse with an S-level buff.

What to do, bet or not?

Ye Jue fell into 'thinking about the war'.

I heard that there was a famous saying in the world before the wasteland, which is that if you give it a try, your bicycle will become a motorcycle.


Ye Jue directly merged these two mythical moves.

Dip~ The mythical moves are being fused...

Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Immortal Hand, and the rating is S.

This mythical move comes from the Eight Wastelands, Three Mountains and Four Seas, the supreme teacher of the Wan Yuan Temple, a wise man with no methods.

You're done!

Ye Jue took the risk and really succeeded, acquiring an S-level mythical move.

It's time to go out.

He warned everyone not to follow him. This time he was fighting alone, to explore the reality and verify his own strength.

Here he comes, God of War Ye is here!

Suddenly, someone roared excitedly.

They had been waiting near Longxiao Mountain for a long time, and finally they arrived. They felt that the trip was worth it, and they all shouted excitedly.

It's really coming!

Everyone looks at the place where the morning glow blooms.

Because there was a roar in the distant sky, and a high-tech fighter plane flew straight towards it.

Everyone can see that the icon on the fighter plane is the logo of the Peak Base.

Boom boom boom! !

At this moment, more than a dozen deuterium bombs flew over and directly hit the fighter plane, causing it to explode in an instant and turn into a sea of ​​fire. The scorching temperature was terrifying.

After the plane disintegrated, it actually melted away. Mushroom clouds bloomed with it as the center. It was so terrifying and horrifying that the entire sky was distorted.

No way, the plane Ye Zhanshen was on was bombed?

Many people suffer from scalp numbness.

The astonishing mushroom cloud rises here, the strong wind roars in all directions, and everyone can feel the scorching temperature.

Will Ye Zhanshen be killed by the explosion?

Someone said quickly.

How could Long Xiaoshan possess the small Death Star technology deuterium bomb? Otherwise, it would not have such terrifying destructive power.

Some big guys were shocked.

Did they reach some kind of cooperation with the humanoids?

Some people groaned and were almost injured by the explosive shock wave.

Although it is far away from the center of the explosion, the destructive power of the small Death Star's deuterium bomb will continue to spread, which is really terrifying.

It's a slap in the face. This attitude confirms everything. There is no room for further discussion. Let's go straight to war. We don't take the world's number one person seriously at all.

The expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

I thought they would talk first, but I didn't expect to be greeted directly by the deuterium bombs of the small Death Star. They were unceremonious and showed the deterrence of a super large base.


Suddenly, a sharp energy bloomed in the explosion, and red light rushed up, which was very dazzling.

This is Ye Zhanshen awakening from the explosion just now.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Then suddenly a sound of Clang! was heard, and pieces of red light flashed, and gorgeous and dazzling lotus petals appeared in the explosion point.

That is?

This lotus petal actually easily blocked the continuous explosions of the small Death Star's deuterium bombs, and people were even more curious about what it was.

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