Let's take action. Someone in the Eastern World is protecting the Ye God of War, completely ignoring the power of the God of Killing, and openly opposing Long Xiaoshan!

More people slapped the table and screamed.

This is breaking news. The bases for these attacks have undoubtedly been exposed and are against Long Xiaoshan.

Now they can all foresee that the people in Longxiao Mountain are as dark and gloomy as water!

We have even started writing a liquidation list.

However, for the first humanoid to take action, the second one came and hit the energy shield to destroy Ye War God's mythical base.

“Crows fly!”

Suddenly there was a loud roar, and a big wolf dog was seen flying from a distance, accompanied by a white crane, and slammed into the second super battleship.

Bang! !

The super battleship suddenly made a muffled sound and was pushed out.

What kind of pets are those two that are so powerful?

Many people were dumbfounded.

That big wolf dog looks familiar, as if I've seen it before!

Yes, it seems to be it!

No way, this dog is still alive?

For a moment, people were a little fried.

This dog once represented the pure-blooded human race on the hero list. It is very famous and is definitely a popular star.

But later I heard that he died in the Great Break and his name disappeared from the hero list, so everyone believed him.

But now he reappears, majestic, and seems to have improved his strength again. Can it not be shocking?

What's the origin of that crane? I actually felt terror from it?

Fearless level, mid-level or above, I guess it's the peak!

A mutant beast at the peak of fearlessness, what happened to this world?

A group of people were dumbfounded, and they were so shocked that they couldn't control themselves.

Look, Ye War God has changed again!

Someone immediately pointed out the change.


Ye Jue was suffering the most terrifying shock in history at this moment.

Every cell in his body was vibrating crazily, and he felt like it was tearing apart the sky.

Destroy it!

This was not the first time he heard this voice, and it was whispering in his ear without restraint.

In fact, he is transforming and surviving this period of destruction.

Obviously it's not that easy, energy flames are erupting from the pores all over his body.

I'm immortal anyway, so I can do whatever I want.

Ye Jue was completely willing to give up, opening his body and letting it shine.


Suddenly, another terrifying energy came down from the sky, blowing up the entire land by more than ten meters, and there were fatal small cracks in space everywhere.


There was a surge of anger in Ye Jue's heart.

These super battleships are trying to get rid of him while he breaks through, which is really abominable.

I am now a humanoid self-propelled bomb. Since you are not afraid of death, I am here.

Ye Jue's voice sounded deep underground.


He was like a little sun breaking through the surface of the earth and rushing into the air. One gold and one silver wing on his left and right suddenly appeared, and his whole body was like lightning breaking through the sound barrier.

Ye Jue is still unable to control the terrifying and mysterious power of turning Hongjun into one. This is just a passive appearance.


He hit the super battleship's energy shield. These crystal blocks were very hard and intercepted him, making a muffled sound.

Only this can stop me?

Ye Jueguai screamed, he was making a breakthrough, energy surged wildly, and all the elements in the cells were transforming into human form.

What's even more amazing is that a layer of golden light begins to condense under the skin, transforming into a true vajra body.

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