boom! !

Ye Jue suddenly felt as if his physical strength had set off a shocking wave.


He opened his mouth and coughed up blood, and blood gushes out.

The red gold blood actually carries a light silver glow, containing strong vitality, and is being fused with the help of the system.

woo woo woo woo!!!

Those terrifying figures appeared behind him again.

But they were all twisted, with painful expressions on their faces, as if they couldn't believe what was happening.

The curse has been broken.

The voice of the person at the front was very low, but Ye Jue heard it clearly.


Ye Jue raised his head suddenly, and those shadows began to disappear one by one.

The person at the front seemed to have a smile on his face.

I didn't expect that someone could fuse its particles. Maybe it didn't think of it either, right?

The man's arms were spread out and his figure was dissipating.

Who is that?

Ye Jue asked quickly.

This may be related to a huge secret, and he must seize the opportunity to get the information.

Red... dust... sky.

Oh... this person finally disappeared between heaven and earth, as if he had never been here, and was completely freed from the curse.

The Red Dust Sky, the goddess also mentioned it, saying that it is the substance closest to the Red Dust Sky.

Ye Jue was extremely surprised.

The first time I talked to the black shadow behind me, I actually got this information again.

All the spearheads are pointing at the world of mortals?

What exactly is the world of mortals?


At this moment, he could no longer control his own energy explosion, so he reopened the ceiling and leaped into the air, sending out brilliant energy fluctuations.

All of a sudden, everyone in the base started to watch in shock.

They found out that it was the president? !

Now Ye Jue's whole body was blazing, with a bright light, he rushed into the sky and left eight hundred meters high.

His energy fluctuates in all directions, with gold and silver everywhere, and the atmosphere is amazing.

Is Ye Jue making a breakthrough??

A tabby cat lying in a huge cat nest leaped over, extremely shocked.

Yeah, but amazing.

Chen Ya was wearing a long gray gauze dress and was extremely elegant. Her towering breasts rose and fell violently.

She was obviously shocked too!

I have never seen anyone experience such anomalies when upgrading.

Those gold and silver forms each formed half of the sky, with Ye Jue sandwiched in the middle.

The next moment, the golden energy on the left began to gather, and then the silver power on the right also began to gather.

In the end, flame wings of one gold and one silver were formed, leaving everyone dumbfounded and looking at each other.


Ye Jue was extremely happy, but the energy was too overwhelming and needed to be vented, which directly triggered a big explosion. The mid-air was instantly blown into a vacuum, with endless starlight, a black hole looming, and a terrifying scene.


He fell very far away in the thick smoke, making a dull sound, and no one dared to catch him.

Because the flames completely submerged the place where it fell, and there were lightning and thunder from time to time, no one could break in.

It wasn't until the next day that Ye Jue appeared under everyone's shocked eyes.

What are you looking at me for? Didn't you see that it's thundering and raining? Should I put away my clothes?

Ye Jue smiled and joked with everyone again.

Congratulations to the host, the fusion is successful, you have obtained: Transform into Hongjun in one breath!

Your physique has reached 600 times, and you are already within the peak fearless range. You can extract the Vajra Secret Scroll and refine it into a Vajra body.

At this time, the system sounds particularly pleasant.

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