Wow, this tree is so amazing. I feel like all the cells in my body have been baptized!

That's right, my physical fitness has improved several times again!

I now use the liquid from these precious trees when I take a shower.

In the center of the level 2 peak base city, the Bodhi tree has taken root and is constantly emitting golden light.

These golden lights gush out from a stone hole, forming a gurgling spring water, which divides into hundreds of streams and flows around, making the entire base look like a fairyland.

And as time goes by, you can still see the hooves of the magical horses in these fluffy rain curtains, and hear the very pleasant clear sound.

These are all mythical scenes brought about by this tree, which are really spiritual.

If this continues, our base won't become the world's first Shinhwa Road base city, right?

Yang Wenchao shouted excitedly.

Now he has the mark of a small sword on his forehead, which emits a faint light and makes him look very distinguished.

This is a mythical legacy he obtained in a certain space fold. He uses a sword as a weapon and turns energy into a sword, which is very powerful.

Theoretically, every mysterious incident on Blue Star is related to mythology.

The most recent one is the most astonishing. It is directly caused by the folding of space, and the remnants of past myths appear on a large scale and on a large scale, shocking the whole world.

Nowadays, various strange fruits and beasts appear, which can also strengthen the body and strengthen the origin. It is true that

In fact, Ye Jue had already thought of this idea.

The Peak Base may really become the first mythical base and be integrated with technology.

You must know that the current system of the base is a super intelligent optical brain that monitors everything in the entire city and controls the city's energy, weapons systems, defense systems, water and electricity systems, education systems, banking systems... various complex situations.

In other words, if a person robs and kills in the base, the police are almost not needed. The surveillance system can be activated directly using the brain, and then the force fire control system can be activated to kill the person.

So can I control mythical weapons using this system?

Your idea is too dangerous. This is the work of those mechanical ascension machines. It is impossible to achieve a balance between technology and mythology. One party must take the lead. If the road to mythology is cut off, it must be technology!

Xu Moyuan immediately pointed him out.

This is not because she is bragging about technology, but this is the current situation.

Human-like super battleships can do whatever they want, capture slaves with strong physiques, go to aliens to mine, and do hard work.

With technology, you can conquer everything without having to work hard, just lie flat, Versailles, how cool is that?

Haha, so now that God's punishment has come, all the superpowers are hiding in their own spaces and dare not show their faces. Only these little fish and shrimps take the opportunity to come out and do their bidding.

Ye Jue said.

The big weird thing in the universe might be a divine punishment, turning all those civilizations into wasteland. What is this if not a divine punishment?

It seems that you are determined to turn the base into a myth.

Xu Mohe sighed.

This is too dangerous. Let me tell those aliens clearly that the myth of my base has been revived. The base is full of mythical treasures. Come and grab them politely!

Don't say any more.

Ye Jue waved his hand.

Xu Moyi once left with the Isolation, and may have seen stronger external technological power.

But this has nothing to do with him. The peak base will definitely not stick to the same rules as other bases.

Now that Shinhwa Road is now Blue Star, it is definitely a good time for his development.

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