This piece of divine flesh and blood comes from this terrifying dragon?

Long Shaoqin asked.

I was skeptical at first, but after analysis, the divine armor transformed from the scales given to us by humanoids completely matches the Tianlong. It is exactly the scales and flesh on its body.

Zhao Yin nodded.

Are we too powerful? We actually re-edited the genes of Tianlong's flesh and blood and transformed them into humans?

Wei Ting was simply shocked.

It's not's Zhao Yin...

Someone murmured quietly below.

To be precise, he is not a human, but a Draco with human genes.

Zhao Yin narrowed his eyes and said.

Celestial Dragon is the new name he gave the clone.

No wonder it's so powerful, now I finally understand.

Long Shaoqin started chatting with everyone.

The clone has a really big background now. It is actually a Celestial Dragon cultivated by the flesh and blood of Celestial Dragon.

Now that the armor of Tianlong Scales has been made, the clone is being fused with it. How powerful will it be when it is born?

Can the nano bombs we implanted into all his cells destroy him?

Long Shaoqin suddenly asked.

It stands to reason that there should be no problem. Those nano bombs are lurking in the replica's 100 trillion cells. As long as we give the order, we can destroy it instantly without leaving even a piece of DNA.

Zhao Yin nodded and said.

Then we're not afraid that he won't listen to our orders. Hahaha, I'm going to make good use of him and kill those hateful guys at the Peak Base.

Wei Ting laughed.

In the secret place of Longxiao Mountain.

A humanoid figure was merging with the ferocious armor he was wearing, and the entire space was trembling and rumbling.

In front of him, there were some purple scales as high as a hill!

Now it is turning into liquid and constantly being absorbed into the armor. The armor is getting brighter and brighter, making a dull sound like thunder.

Zhao Yin, what's the latest news?

This person opened his mouth, his hair was all black and thick, and his eyes were opening and closing with a divine light.

There is very exciting news. Your body is killing everyone and shocking the world. Even the twelve-winged mechanical angel is no match.

Zhao Yin walked over with his hands behind his back, not afraid at all, and spoke calmly.

How strong is he? Compared with me, who is stronger?

Black Leaf Jue stood up, his body covered with dense lightning, and the terrifying energy on his armor seemed to tear the world apart.

Haha, it's hard to say, because there is a super bug in the main body, and I still haven't figured out what it is.

Zhao Yin said with a smile.

What bug?

Kuroye Zetsu was stunned.


Zhao Yin said while snapping his fingers.

This is impossible!

Kuroye Jue snorted coldly, expressing disbelief.

Where is anyone immortal?

He can't do it, he just gets stronger and stronger.

Whether it is immortal or not, you need to personally confirm it in the future. I am also eager to know. Soon Wei Ting will personally command you to kill the main body.

Zhao Yin shook his head.

Wei Ting? He is nothing but a fool. How can he command me? Those fools don't think nano bombs can control me, do they?

Kuroye Jue laughed, and cracks even appeared in some places on the surrounding stone walls.

After all, the nanobombs weren't implanted into your cells at all.

Zhao Yin smiled knowingly.

I'm not afraid even if it is actually implanted. The purity of Tianlong cells is too high, you won't understand.

Black Ye Jue's body suddenly burst into a dazzling black light, and his hair stood up like a Shura.

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