Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 530 There is a god dormant in the bottomless pit!

It's so boring. Are you the only strong human being on land?

This black-horned demon holds a spear, carries huge black wings behind his back, and his eyes overflow with red flames.

His eyes really erupted with red flames.

As the messenger of the Abyss, I rule over 60 demonic legions. I can easily crush you.

His lazy voice came, looking down at everything, open and casual.

The bottomless pit? Isn't that the place of destruction in the third level of hell? Isn't it said that there are fallen primitive gods in it?

Ye Jue was extremely surprised.

In the former wasteland, the bottomless pit caused commotion, and many videos proved that corrupted primitive gods flew out.

But in the end, his whereabouts were unknown, which made the people responsible for surveillance in various countries eclipse.

Whether it is the path of mythology or mechanical ascension, no matter which race or camp you belong to, everyone wants to become a god.

But there are no gods that can be seen today, and some people even suspected that they did not exist at all.

But the appearance of the original god confirmed everything. He had the capital to overpower all things and was so powerful that it was incomparable.

It's just that this primitive god flew out of the bottomless pit, disappeared directly into the wasteland without any hesitation, and became a legend in the legend.

Even Ye Jue suspected that the video was fake and that there was no original god at all.

However, now that he heard about the bottomless pit, he was completely stunned.

It's actually true. In the place of destruction in the third level of hell, the original god is still sleeping.

When hell is cleared, he will wake up, spread out to the entire universe, and shock both inside and outside the realm!

Does the devil also know that there is a god buried under the bottomless pit?

Ye Jue was slightly startled.

The more powerful a creature wants to hide itself, the less likely it will be discovered by outside objects.

It is also very difficult for powerful creatures in the black realm to come, and the price they pay will be very high.

However, this god is underground, and once it emerges, it will shock all living things.

Human, you are still distracted when you see me?

The black-horned demon looked up to the sky and screamed, its sound vibrating for hundreds of miles.

He jumped up and roared at the sky with fierceness, his mouth full of fangs.

Report, the energy value of this black-horned demon is abnormal, even surpassing the Netherworld King at one time!

When they saw the monitor, people from relevant organizations were stunned.

The first demon god Nether King is now a unit of measurement of combat power and can be used for comparison.

This black-horned demon's energy value is off the charts. According to preliminary estimates, it should be much stronger than the Netherworld King.

No wonder the deeper the hell, the stronger the demons become!

Demons of the Abyss, come out, the party has begun!

The black-horned demon roared again.

Boom boom boom! !

The ground shook, and countless big trees broke, their leaves exploded, and they rumbled and shook.

The core system detected a huge energy group. This is the strongest demon wave in history. This demon is right, a total of 60 demon legions!

A red alert was immediately sounded in the base, and the cannon muzzles on the city wall turned around. A total of 30,000 cannons, each of which was a large-caliber anti-demon grenade, were all aimed at this place.


Ye Jue immediately ordered everyone to evacuate this place.

A red alert was issued in the base, informing them that a huge artillery attack was coming, and the bombing target point was sent over. They should try their best to retreat to the designated location, otherwise they would be affected.

It's a complete war!

At this moment, people were extremely surprised.

The next second, the grenades from these giant cannons in the sky crossed many mountains and approached their destination, leaving bright traces in the sky.

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