Have you heard that more and more members of the God of Death are surrendering?

There's nothing we can do about it, Ye Zhanshen and his guild members are too powerful.

Yes, who would have thought that 500,000 people could show dominance against more than 1 million people.

In short, now that the heavy treasure has been smashed, the fighting power of pure-blood humans has soared.

Even Ye Jue has reached level 44.

During this period, he repeatedly obtained several valuable treasures left behind by myths.

Each piece can be extracted into a buff to increase his combat effectiveness.

But these treasures are not as powerful as those extracted before, and they are all at a small level.

In the confrontation with the power of the God of Death, he showed an amazing defensive power, which also came from the mythical treasure.

At that time, thousands of people took action at the same time, which was earth-shattering, but they were all resisted by him, which was quite invincible!

That day, these people were reminded of the fear of being dominated.

Ye Zhanshen is one against a thousand.

This title soon spread to every base.

In a short period of time, Ye Jue continued to kill demons, and his level had reached level 45.

Most of the buffs extracted are related to physical fitness. Skills do not lie in more skills, but finer points.

He now wants to perfect the extraordinary holy method, but unfortunately the goddess's active artifact is also dying, and he can only extract the first two moves.

Just these two moves have already given him huge benefits, much more powerful than other buffs.

Your boss hasn't shown his face for a long time. Is he preparing to become a coward?

Yang Wenchao said loudly.

Now every member of the Peak Base has a kind of calmness and calmness, which is no longer the same as before.

Go to hell!

The desperate members of the Killing God immediately took action against them.

The two sides once again engaged in a melee and violent clashes occurred. This time, the most intense melee broke out.

Let's work together to kill the captain first!

Dong Minmin, Shen Rou, Wu Yini, Ni Qiuyun, and Wang Yanyan formed an encirclement, blocking a captain of the God of Death force among them. They cooperated perfectly and killed him in a matter of seconds.

Who said that?

At this moment, a voice came, which seemed to be very angry and roaring, shaking the entire area, rumbling and shaking!

Overlord level??

Someone covered their ears and looked there.


The flames exploded, and soon a figure leaped over. This was a woman with a very angry face.

Who just insulted my idol?

She held a green flame long knife in her hand, which was very sharp. When she slashed it down, the sky was flooded with light and the area was flooded, attacking every inch of the void indiscriminately.

Puff puff

Some of the weak peak members were suddenly injured.

Isn't that Kuroye Zetsu's God-Zanbing Sword? No, it's a replica. Otherwise we would be dead.

Wang Yanyan was suddenly shocked.

The woman in front of her had a violent aura, her green hair fell like a waterfall, and she had a strong physique.

This is another admirer of our president's clone, named Yang Qing. She is full of treasures. We quickly snatched her away.

Ni Qiuyun's eyes shone, as if he was used to it. At the same time, others immediately took action.

This Yang Qing was so conceited that he even wanted to challenge five people with a scolding.

But she soon discovered that she was terribly wrong. Each of the five people in front of her had the strength of a tyrant. It was simply unbelievable that they were at the same level as her.

That...excuse me!

Yang Qing was about to run away after slashing with the knife.

Because instead of feeling scared, these five women all had evil looks on their faces and stared at her, which really frightened her.

You want to leave, can you leave?

The five of them all had bright eyes, and they were bound to rob this silly girl before they were willing to do so.

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