You see, Ye Zhanshen's base city was established too quickly and high walls have been erected.

And the dome also forms a light curtain. Although the wind is roaring outside, it is very quiet inside.

Various military buildings, entertainment buildings, and residential buildings are all rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is a lot of discussion in the outside world. After all, it is Ye Zhanshen's base city, which is definitely big news.

There are human beings who are still seeking death and attacking the peak base.

On all major platforms, people are talking about it.

This has never happened before. The humanoids all point their fingers at one person, and it feels unreal.

If it had been anyone else, people from other bases would have been killed long ago.

But it just couldn't do anything about Ye Zhanshen's base. All kinds of strong men emerged one after another, killing human beings like shit.

What is that treasure tree, or did Ye War God do something to cause wrath, causing all humanoids to besiege it?

This time, it was a real collision, and both sides used their killing moves.

Various super weapons are thrown at the peak base city.

However, it was intercepted far away.

The commander of the pinnacle base will not let the humanoid warships get even half a step closer to the base.

If we attack Ye War God like this, we can't be kind to each other.

Many people spoke up, thinking that the humanoids were seeking a grave death this time.

When Ye Zhanshen regains his footing in the future, he will directly destroy their warships and tell them to go back to their hometown.

Currently, judging from some monitoring equipment, the Peak Base is 75% complete.

A big boss said.

The Chulong particles there were so dense that all kinds of detectors were knocked to pieces and extensively damaged.

There are too many tyrannosaurus level spirits looking for Ye War God.

For example, the huge dead corpse in the temple tower and other early dragon particles attracted by it came.

Only from very far away can those detectors effectively capture part of the picture.

They re-condensed into spirit bodies and were asking for something from Ye War God.

This may be related to Baoshu. Go and investigate to find out what Ye War God got.

The boss-level figures also became nervous.

That important treasure may be of great importance, so it attracted the prying eyes of demons, humanoids, and early dragon particles.

The latest news is that Ye Zhanshen seems to have refused on the spot and fought with a spirit body in the form of a humanoid dragon. He went underground and sank into the first level of hell. He is fighting fiercely to decide whether to live or die.

The latest news is that this humanoid Chulong was educated by Ye Zhanshen and was beaten back into particles. It's too tragic.

The outside world cannot be calm, and all parties are talking about it.

The battle at the peak base is not over yet. Too many demons have joined in the fun, and the situation has gotten out of control.

However, Ye War God rushed out of the surface, killed all the demons, and fought off all kinds of humanoids, causing huge waves again.

Fortunately, no super weapons appeared this time. It seems that the humanoids have retreated.

I noticed that the Cyborg Base City sent gifts to the Peak Base. It sent many fully automated robots, as well as many fully automated assembly lines, etc., which can directly ensure the operation of the base.

The report said that Cyborg and Ye Zhanshen had made good friends and specially sent a miniature battleship, which contained a terminal computer and a fully automated core system.

With this system, robots can build their own robots, experiment with self-mass production, easily replace human labor, and free their hands.

Many of the base's top brass are envious and jealous. Those metal robots are extraordinary. They all have super AI intelligence, and some are smarter than humans.

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