That's a great idea, I wish you good luck.

Ye Jue descended from the sky, carrying the treasure tree on his shoulders, and nodded to everyone.

Ah ah ah, God of War Ye is looking at me!

A girl jumped up excitedly.

What nonsense are you talking about? You are obviously looking at me!

The eyes of many beauties were shining, and their hearts moved after a long absence. They were willing to give birth to monkeys for Ye Zhanshen for free.


Ye Jue couldn't help but took a few steps back and disappeared with the treasure tree on his shoulders.

This chase battle has finally come to an end.

The news would soon spread throughout the East, surprising everyone, with reports flooding the streets of every base.

Ye War God appeared at the edge of the east, carrying a treasure tree and photographing the humanoid super battle aircraft?

This title is too fierce, and the person who named it is simply a typical title party.

However, the content is quite real, the description is very clear, and the causes and consequences are very clear.

Ye Zhanshen didn't take the Ice Country train, but went straight all the way to return carrying the treasure tree!

Someone looked at each other.

Even the Western world has been turned upside down.

Why, Ye Zhanshen can actually defeat the humanoid super battleship?

Isn't it? He wasn't even killed by heavy artillery?

“It’s really scary to be number one in the world.”

The strong men in the West were all amazed.

But I heard that Ye Zhanshen was blocked again, and this time he encountered a strong enemy.

The latest reports came immediately. The person blocking the attack had a very powerful background and was the mortal enemy of the pure-blooded human race.

Those are the Hell Demon Generals, four in total, the bodyguards of the third level Hell Demon Lord Rainstorm.

Some people were shocked when they saw the images in the video.

Ye Jueshen was actually besieged, and there were four of them together. I don’t know what the situation is now.

The demon on the third level is planning something. I have a very bad premonition.

Someone's face dropped.

The mortal enemy of pure-blood humans is still the devil underground.

The Demon Arena is about to open again, and I don’t know if the new heroes can withstand it.

After all, the heroes of the previous generation paid the price of their lives in exchange for a short period of stability.

The battle escalated very quickly. After fighting with four hell demon generals, Ye War God escaped and reappeared in the land of Xilin.

Various reports have Ye Jue's whereabouts. Everyone can see that he is coming back from the edge and will succeed soon.

Shocking news, God of War Ye picked up the treasure tree and smashed many human beings to death, and the saint among the humanoids also died.

Another news came that the Skeleton Battleship has returned again and requested support from the mothership. The two sides were about to fight to the death!

Ye War God is invincible carrying the treasure tree. No one can stop him. No one can stop his strong return!

These are the reports, there are many more, and the desk in front of Chen Ya is full.

Our president is finally coming back, and he is making such a big fuss while carrying the treasure tree. It is worthy of him.

Chen Ya said with a smile.

Our president has extraordinary deterrence. Humanoids and demons who dare to block the way will probably pay the price in blood.

Xu Ziyue and others nodded and said.

The president's return this time has greatly increased his strength, and he is a powerful group that makes the whole world tremble.

Yes, more and more followers are moving closer to this place. Waiting for the day when the president returns, we will announce to the world that a base city will be established in the peak realm.

Chen Ya looked out of the house, feeling dreamy.

In the past few days, she had met many people, and everyone had a story and a past with Ye Jue.

Now everyone has gathered, waiting for his return.

As if everything was destined, they had discussed it in advance and chose this time point to witness some things.

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