What are these?!

Wang Jing was simply frightened.

She had never seen such driving before, and her legs immediately became weak and she almost stopped eating.

Those big withered hands were like zombies, so terrifying and amazing.

Suddenly it stretched out from the temple tower and reached right in front of her eyes, making her almost paralyzed.

Is there something in you that can restrain them?

Ye Jue was also surprised.

Just now he couldn't help but fight with it.

However, such a change really made him feel incredible.

What ability does Wang Jing have? Apart from having better-looking brows, how can he have the power to restrain this weird thing?

Is this it?

Wang Jing suddenly took out a piece of fur from the space bracelet.

The fur is still very shiny, like jade, shining brightly. If you look closely, you can see that there are also wisps of spiritual light.

My sister, this is a remnant of myth, it's no small matter!

Ye Jue was stunned.

The scent on the fur was so familiar. He had been in and out of the Mythical Legacy many times and had long since noticed it.

All mythological relics have an ancient charm and have an unusual historical flavor.

Such a powerful thing?

Wang Jing's scalp was numb now and she wanted to give this piece of fur to Ling Xiao.

No, if something happens to me once the fur is in my hands, it will be in vain.

Ye Jue shook his head and stepped forward directly.

He took Wang Jing and moved on.

Gah! Karma! Karma!

At this time, a few pitch-black crows landed on the surrounding dead trees.

Their eyes are full of death and their screams are miserable.

This place is so weird, I feel like I've arrived at the place where my soul fell.

Wang Jing was extremely flustered.

Fortunately, Ling Xiao was by her side, otherwise, she would not dare to move forward.

Just this section of the path made her scalp tingle. A closer look revealed that it was all made of bones, and every shape was extremely weird and creepy.

The piece of fur kept having flames appear, flickering and isolating the strangeness, which really solved a big problem.

It was too late to find out what the fur was. What mattered was how long it could resist.

Ye Jue could feel that those crows were not crows at all. Each of them was a different species, possessing the power of a terrifying curse.


he whispered.

This place is different from the corner of the Tushita Palace among the stars. The mythical people who once lived here only recognized pure-blooded humans.

But this place is nothing but weird.


Wang Jing shouted tremblingly.

When she reached the end of the road, she saw more and more black shadows gathering towards them.

Each one of them had disheveled hair and was covered in blood. Their heads were lowered and their faces could not be seen clearly.

Don't make a fuss. The one following me is more permeable than this.

Ye Jue has already had experience. The group of horrible black shadows behind him are still trying to strangle him to death. They are much more terrifying than these lonely ghosts.


Wang Jing clutched the piece of fur tightly.

As long as this piece of fur is there, neither the colorful mist, the withered giant hands in the strange temple tower, nor the cursed crows and dead shadows can do anything to them.

However, the fur flickered and the flame seemed to be getting weaker and weaker...

Does this mean it's almost out of power?

She broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly rubbed it, not knowing that rubbing the electric tube would not work.

At this time, they had walked through the bone road and arrived in front of the temple tower.

The temple tower without supports hangs in mid-air, the door is open, and it is extremely dark inside.

Ye Jue ignored the others and quickly approached the bodhi tree with Wang Jing, took the tree and left.

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