For example, Ni Qiuyun, Wang Yanyan, Wu Yini and so on.

These people who have been helped by Ye Jue have paid the price and grown up.

Now all the humans, mutant beasts, and humanoids in the Eastern world have their hearts trembling. No matter who they are, they have a strong feeling that a firm breath is coming towards their faces.

As you can imagine, this will be a grand event.

In the tomorrow underground base at the edge of the Eastern World, the red sun on the virtual ceiling was round and round, and the sunset dyed the layers of clouds red.

In the sunset, a figure with golden brilliance burst into red gold brilliance in the central square!

How is this going?

It's so dazzling, I can't open my eyes!

Super flashbang?

People closed their eyes tightly, feeling like they were going blind because of the burning heat.

That's the black stone tablet manifesting itself!

Look, it's actually the name of Ye Zhan Shen?

Oh My God!!

After the dazzling light weakened slightly, everyone was extremely shocked.

The golden font is glowing, forming the name of Ye War God!

No way, the young man in front of the stone tablet just now is Ye Zhan Shen?

I passed by Ye Zhanshen?

Ye War God!!

Someone screamed immediately, which were two completely different feelings.

Ye Zhanshen just returned here and imprinted his name on the hero's stone tablet in Tomorrow's Base City.

I'm so excited. I'm lucky enough to witness this.

No matter who it is, there are ups and downs in their hearts.

It was so sacred just now. Some people suspected that Ye Zhanshen was a golden god who manifested in the world. In fact, he didn't come at all.

People have already reached the first place, and you are still here making nonsense!

Some people couldn't help but sneered.

Even from such a close distance, it seemed that one could still feel the aura left behind by the mighty Ye Zhanshen just now, which simply made everyone trance-like.

Immediately, the news spread throughout the base, and various reports made everyone in Tomorrow's base explode with emotion.

Ye War God is suspected of appearing in Tomorrow's Base City!

The news on radio stations in various base cities immediately exploded, and many people rushed directly to see me.

But tomorrow's base city is too far away, and the round trip will take a lot of time.

Fart, Ye Zhan Shen is obviously in our Guza Base City!

Someone immediately refuted it and even released evidence that it was the back of Ye Zhanshen.

Pfft, isn't your base's civilization too backward? Are you still using beautiful pictures to show off?

Immediately, the base city that released the picture of Ye War God was violently criticized and sprayed all over the body.

Ling Xiao, have you heard that Ye Zhanshen was in Tomorrow's Base City just now!

Wang Jing said excitedly to Ye Jue.


Ye Jue nodded slightly.

The name Ling Xiao is very useful and suitable for fishing in troubled waters.

Now it is best to obscure his whereabouts so that the enemies in the eastern world are unsure of his location and give him a shock.

It will take a short period of time for him to return to China, and it is best not to expose his position now.

Because my mind was touched more than once and I saw many blurry images.

Those hostile forces are afraid that he will come to liquidate, and they are afraid of his whereabouts.

He also saw a stronghold. Through careful and serious observation and thinking, this place may be the pinnacle area.

The enemies in the peak realm no longer dare to take action anymore because they are not sure of his position.

The last blurry scene was of many teams heading towards one place from all directions, and the scene was astonishing.

However, a folded space area appeared on the road, with hundreds of feet of mountains stretching, many demons hiding inside and roaring, and fierce birds flying across the sky.

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