This dog is not Lai Fu now, but the black tiger Ah Fu!

It is very stinky. It has walked out of this restricted area of ​​life and bid farewell to its doghouse for the time being. There are still secrets here, which I am ready to decipher in the future.

The top priority is to rescue my Su Yan.

The big wolf dog is still worried about this matter.

Now that its strength has greatly increased, it seems that no one is happy, and it is about to challenge Black Leaf Jue.

However, whoever caused the trouble will end it.

It was still scared and decided to attack secretly to see if there was a chance to rescue Su Yan.

I heard that Su Yan is now imprisoned in Longxiao Mountain.

Longxiao Mountain is now different from what it used to be. It has become the most powerful base city in the east and is moving towards a level 5 base city.

If you want to steal people from there, you have to come up with an idea.

The big wolfdog thought as he flew across the wasteland.

Suddenly, its body tensed up and it saw a white thing with a very frightening smell.

You're so lucky that you picked up a game that fell from the sky when you went out?

The big wolf dog was stunned. The deep pit on the ground was so big that the ground cracked in all directions. It was so shocking.

Just imagine that this giant bird fell from the sky and knocked you unconscious.

This is a supplement that greatly increases my physical fitness. Thank God for giving me food.

It was very touched and felt that it had great luck. It seemed that God was also helping it save people.

Bake it first and then talk about it.

The big wolfdog was very quick with his hands and feet. He tied up the giant bird, put it on a stick and roasted it.

It wanted to pluck out the feathers, but those feathers were too hard. Maybe roasting them would make it easier.

Who is so bold as to roast me!?

Fairy He felt her butt was burning and woke up immediately.

She found that she was tied up and being barbecued at 360 degrees. She immediately shook her whole body and sent out a violent shock wave. An area of ​​​​100 meters was flattened, and then a large pit appeared.

So strong!

The big wolf dog almost cursed. He was roasting excitedly when he was suddenly blown away. He was disgraced and embarrassed.

It ran like crazy and hid behind a mountain.


The mountain exploded with a bang, and the terrifying shock wave flew it out again, hitting the mountain wall in the distance.

Stop, stop, this is a misunderstanding!

The big wolfdog barked quickly.

This giant bird is too powerful, even more powerful than it, and the fluctuations on its body are actually at the peak of the fearless level.

It ate Black Ye Jue's arm and then managed to upgrade to the peak of Tyrant, thinking it was very strong.

Who would have thought that he would be beaten up as soon as he left the house? It was so miserable.

Hey, you have Ye Jue's aura. Have you ever been ridden by him?

It moved its nose and smelled a familiar smell.

Ye Jue, do you know him too?

Fairy He immediately stopped, the mountainous area was in a mess, the low mountains were swept away, and the ground was torn apart.

Only then did the big wolfdog dare to come out. He didn't say anything for a long time, and it was obvious that he was stunned and stunned.

Where did this giant bird with abnormal physique come from?

It seems that it needs to be understood well.

A pure-blood human stronghold in an underground entertainment empire.

In an office, a fat man suddenly stood up and learned something very important.

Brother Leg is back, and our branch can see the light of day again!

He was pleasantly surprised.

This person is none other than Fatty Qian, the leader and one of the top leaders who once established the Peak Field Branch in Nanjiang Base City.

After being suppressed from all aspects in the peak field, he had no choice but to transfer all members to this underground entertainment empire stronghold.

The president has returned?

too excited!

“Now I can finally feel proud!”

On the virtual panel in front of him, tens of thousands of people in the chat group chanted at the same time.

The inspiration for the construction of this underground stronghold came from the base city on the eastern edge. It is also the last place to retreat after the large stronghold in the peak realm cannot be defended.

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