Damn it!! We were tricked, so badly!!

If Yundian Base City and their steel-shell mobile city help us, we can save all of this!

It's over, it's over, everything is over!

Almost everyone fell into unprecedented despair.

Who would have thought that Wu Jin and Long Xiaogu, who had a lot of military strength in the coalition forces fighting against the killing god, actually escaped from the battlefield.

Just be quiet!

Chen Ya slapped the table.

We still have the giant wall and the opportunity of infrasonic nuclear bombs. The stronghold will not be destroyed like this. We have to rely on our own strength to defend it!

Damn it! What's that? Come and tell me! We're finished!

There was a strong man who slapped the table and stood up with an angry look on his face.


A special spiral-shaped metal bullet was thrown on his head.


He fell into a pool of blood, blood splattering everywhere.

You are a bunch of trash. Before, you only knew how to eat, drink and have fun in the peak realm. Now go to the battlefield for me!!

Chen Ya said coldly.

She was possessed by the devil, which affected some of her personality.

What...let us go to the battlefield...you, you, you...don't go too far!

That's it, if we have any fighting ability, don't you want us to die?

That's right, I won't go! I don't want to die!!

These people stood up quickly, looked at him in horror, and said in unison.

I'm sorry, it's not up to you now, come on!

Chen Ya shouted coldly.

Suddenly, several career changers standing outside the door came in. They sneered and drove these people out without saying a word.

Ahhhh! No! No!!

I don't want to go to the battlefield!! I don't want to die!!

Help ah ah ah!!

Chen Ya, you bastard, bastard!!

After a while, the entire combat conference room was extremely quiet.

Now that the moment of life and death has come, Chen Ya must personally go to the battlefield to take command.

Let me test the combat effectiveness of the modified mutant beasts, and use them as test subjects.

Zhao Yin said expressionlessly.

He is now a scientific research expert of the Killing God Force, working for Longxiao Mountain and Black Leaf Jue.

These mutated beasts are all research subjects captured by soldiers, and they only have the desire to kill in their minds.


The mutated beast slowly advances step by step!

They stepped frantically through the remaining sea of ​​fire!

They rushed over with great force!

Under the collapsing front line, there is no way to stop the dense sea of ​​mutant beasts.

It only takes ten minutes...

Millions of mutant beasts have already rushed in, overwhelming and densely packed with mutant beasts, and you can't even see the edge at a glance.

The mutated beasts of the God-killing Force launched a massive attack, and the people in the stronghold were filled with helplessness and despair.


A job transferee yelled, holding the head of a mutated tiger tightly.

But a column of blood spurted out from his own neck first.

All the strength was sprayed outward from this blood column, draining away his strength.

This tragic scene continues to unfold. In order to defend the high wall of the stronghold, they need to fight tooth and nail.

The casualties are too serious, let's start dropping them now!

Xu Ziyue gritted his teeth and said.

Then a gap opened in the ground in the center of the stronghold, and a giant black cannon barrel stuck out.


An infrasonic nuclear bomb fell into the sea of ​​mutant beasts.

A shocking scene happened, the bodies of the mutated beasts shook rapidly like sieves.


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