It is necessary to establish a base city that can lead the world.

Ye Jue thought.

This base city cannot, like these base cities, enclose the land and watch the sky from a well.

The base city must have a super battleship to compete with the demon army, and a level 5 civilization system core to support life operations.

We must follow the path of myth and guide the entire pure-blooded human race.

Hey, you dare to ignore me?

Sister Qian was a little angry. Who was she? A capable person in Canghun.

Although her strength is not high, she has countless men. With a wave of her hand, I don’t know how many people are willing to sacrifice their lives for her!

However, what is great is not only that, but also the strong backers she relies on.

Um...who are you?

Ye Jue came back to his senses.

No, am I doing something wrong?

Suddenly, everyone at the scene was stunned.

They have seen people who like to seek death, but they have never seen people who like to seek death like this.

Originally, they thought that this person would humbly apologize to Sister Qian when he saw her.

However, what I didn't expect was that the young man had such an attitude, as if he didn't care at all.


What are you thinking about?

Why are the eyes so deep and looking into the distance?

Lily was also stunned, completely stunned.

Huh, pretending?

Brother Fan snorted coldly, already deeply branding him as certain to die.

Now all he needs to do is wait for Sister Qian to burst into anger.

I was planning on recruiting you to join the group, but it seems that there is no need for you now, so come in!

Sister Qian sighed. Killing intent burst out from all over her body, and a head of red curly hair suddenly fluttered out.

As a level 30 career changer, she had a powerful aura that enveloped the entire audience.


The group of people outside who were already eager to try were as fierce as tigers pouncing on prey, arriving in an instant at an extremely fast speed.

Everyone is very strong, wearing black light armor, all around level 25, and has treasures in their hands.

The leader was a girl with almond-shaped eyes and peach cheeks, a light and soft body, and her whole body was like a machete.

The look in her eyes seemed to suffocate the person's throat.

However, no one saw any fluctuations in the girl's indifferent face.

Chu Ci, teach him a lesson.

Sister Qian gave the order in a low voice.

However, Chu Ci didn't make any movement, just a pair of black eyes, fixed on Ye Jue, as if confirming something.

This scene was a bit beyond the expectations of everyone present.

Chu Ci?

Sister Qian stared at Chu Ci, with a hint of suspicion and astonishment in her eyes.

Because she knew this woman's character very well, Chu Ci would take action as soon as she gave the order.

But now, Chu Ci has not made any move, even going against her wishes.

It can't be done.

Chu Ci suddenly took a few steps back, shook his head, and directly resisted Sister Qian's order.


Sister Qian's face darkened. There was some anger rising in my heart.

What happened to this always obedient Chu Ci today! ?

To know!

She is ordering her now!

In the past, as long as she gave an order, Chu Ci would rush forward even if the opponent was a stronger enemy than her.

Now, you actually say it can’t be done?

Sun Qian, stop it. He is someone you cannot afford to offend. He is not in the same world as us.

Chu Ci whispered again.

Do you know what you're talking about?

Sun Qian was stunned for a moment.

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