Ye Jue stopped and raised his head. The sign above said hotel.

There is actually a hotel?

He felt a little hungry, so he walked in. It was quite clean and spacious inside.


A pretty girl trotted over.

She carefully observed Ye Jue, probably to see his temperament, and finally smiled.

Wearing such a clean armor, he must be someone with money.

Please come in.

She greeted quickly.


Ye Jue came to a seat under her leadership.

this is menu.

The girl handed it over.

The name of the dish is written on it in fairly neat writing:

Stir-fried worm silk! Jealous insect meat! Exploded mutant snails and more!

In short, the names of the dishes are varied.

Ye Jue ordered a few that were still swallowable, raised his head and said, How to pay.

You need to use the magic core to pay. There must be enough energy in the magic core.

The girl explained.


Ye Jue touched his body and found that he did not have a space bracelet.

Therefore, I carry with me some fruits taken from the restricted area of ​​life.

These were originally for sacrifice, but he extracted the teleportation buff, so he didn't need them anymore.


The girl was stunned for a moment.

fruit? ?

You can't buy these vegetables with fruits. What was she just about to say...

A strong person next to him seemed to feel something.

His body was trembling a little. There was very pure energy in this fruit, which was much stronger than the magic core.

Lily, take it.

The man said in a deep voice.

Okay, boss.

Lily nodded, took the fruit and left.

Less than ten minutes passed.

Ye Jue ordered a few dishes and brought them over.

Snail meat stewed with vegetables! Boiled edible mutated fish fillets! Cold cucumbers!

The staple food is a bowl of millet porridge.

Reminds me of the wasteland of the afterlife.

Ye Jue couldn't help but smile. He really missed it, so he ate it with relish.

It's pretty good, although it tastes weird, but it's full of flavor and color.


There was a loud noise outside the door!

Then, the noise became even louder!

Lily, who was standing nearby waiting for additional dishes to be added at any time, also looked over with curiosity on her face, and then walked over there.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into the three people who broke in.

Ah! I'm sorry.

Lily apologized quickly.


A crisp slap sounded...

After hearing this, Ye Jue put down his bowls and chopsticks and turned to look at the people who broke in.

Lily was already dizzy from the sudden slap, her eyes were filled with stars, she staggered and almost fell, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

She was a level 20 career changer, and the fact that she was almost knocked unconscious showed that the person who came here was very powerful.

Don't you have eyes?

The young man who hit the attacker was wearing a black armor and yelled angrily: If you dare to hit me, I will feed you to a dog!


Lily suddenly trembled all over.

There is indeed a dog beside the young man, but it is not an ordinary dog, but a mutated beast.

As if hearing what the owner said, the mutated dog split its head in half and prepared to swallow Lily alive.


The boss didn't dare to say anything when he saw this scene, because he knew the person who came and couldn't afford to offend him at all.

Lily is about to be swallowed by the mutant beast...

Doesn't this base city even care about killing people?

Ye Jue walked over and was a little confused. Is the code Wang Jing mentioned a decoration? ?

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