should be that the personnel left behind on our spacecraft received the danger warning and drove the spacecraft away from here.

The leader of the Dark Night humans said with an embarrassed look.

Are you playing with us?

Wang Jing suddenly became angry.

They experienced several waves of strong snowstorms and finally got here, but the spacecraft was no longer there.

Then what should I do with him? I heard that the base market will collect people tomorrow and the price will be quite high.

She frowned.

They were captured by Ling Xiao, we should ask him for instructions.

The captain said this on the communicator.

Then I'll go find him.

Wang Jing knew that Ye Jue was resting in the vehicle behind him.

Now his treatment is much better, he sleeps in a single room and has better food.

“Dong dong dong!!”

She knocked on the car door.


When the car door opened, Wang Jing saw Ye Jue studying an ancient scroll.

What's this?

Her intuition was extremely keen, and she felt that it should be an ancient object, perhaps containing mysterious power.

This is a holy law, an important force needed for future breakthroughs.

Ye Jue is thinking about how to pass on the Vajra Secret Scroll to all mankind.

Let the entire pure-blood human race have the opportunity to cultivate the body of Vajra.

At the same time, he also knew that the risks were high, and humanoids had one more reason to come to Blue Star.

Not to mention the various chaebols, civilizations, etc. of the same scale in the universe.

He has already seen the madness of extraordinary powerful people for this secret scroll before.

He is well aware of the 'power' of this secret scroll.

The complete Vajra Secret Scroll is on Blue Star, in the hands of pure-blood humans.

If exposed, Blue Star will be a bright pearl in the dark forest of the universe.

However, the earth is shrouded in mystery, and giant life forms may not be able to come.

Ye Jue has heard that there are many huge and terrifying giant life forms in the universe.

They are not humanoid and can swallow a planet in one bite.

That kind of giant life form can also cultivate physical fitness, which is extremely terrifying. This is the story of the floating and human beings in the metaphor of the goddess.

But a slow-moving giant must perceive time in a different sense than a human being.

What's more, the earth is shrouded in mystery and darkness. Maybe it's the men in black robes who are 'protecting' them and can block information.

This is a good opportunity, the Vajra Secret Scroll can be passed down.

But now is not the time. Nowadays, the physiques of pure-blooded humans are generally unparalleled. There are very few tyrants, and the only ones who are fearless are heroes.

So Ye Jue felt that he still had to wait.

Okay, I'm here to tell you, if the spaceship is gone, what should we do with the prisoners?

Wang Jing said.

I already know. You can do whatever you want with the prisoner. His external technology is broken and has no deterrent effect.

Ye Jue answered casually.

The shortcomings of the external body technology of the external wear type are obvious, and the main body is usually very weak.

The current humanoid leader may not even be able to defeat Wang Jing.

Okay, then we'll sell it and turn it into flowers of hell for you later.

Wang Jing suddenly said: But the Flower of Hell should be of no use to you, right?

It is indeed useless, and Kao is almost useless.

Ye Jue nodded.

His current stage is very awkward, the Flower of Hell is useless, and the effect of Kao's juice is minimal.

Moreover, the immature Bodhi Seed can only extract 10 layers of buffs, which are already full.

It would be even more embarrassing if a mature Bodhisattva can only be used after he has cultivated to Vajra.

But he has a system, maybe after obtaining mature Bodhi seeds, he can sneak away and directly extract them into buffs.

In this way, the awkward period can be overcome and the body of Vajra can be cultivated smoothly.

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