Bang bang bang! !

Pure-blood humans and night humans collided.

As a career changer in her 20s, Wang Jing is also very powerful.

Her Luobao can turn part of her body into a plant, which is a very common Luobao.

These plants are as tough as steel and can hold onto enemies tightly.

The common type of Luobao will be restrained by attributes and is least good at dealing with fire-type enemies.

Those humanoids happen to have the ability to use fire.

Sizzle! !

The plant that Wang Jing's arm turned into burned instantly!

There was intense cold sweat on her head. It was obvious that she was in extreme pain!

Pure-blooded humans, stop resisting.

This humanoid who can use fire abilities has an expressionless face, and his body burns like a meteorite, turning into a ball of bright flames, burning all plants.


The captain of the convoy roared, his armor glowed with black light, and he fought with several humanoids.

The energy in his body is also very powerful, bursting out with power.

Bang bang bang! !


Unable to defeat him with both fists, he suffered losses again and again!


One of the humanoids hit him in the stomach, cracking his armor.


The captain spit out a mouthful of blood and curled up on the ground.

This punch was extremely destructive and directly injured his internal organs.

Are you honest?

Someone stepped forward to capture him.


Suddenly, the captain roared and punched away.

Buzz! !

Such people are caught off guard and hit by a punch.


His head almost exploded, he was hit in the temple, and his screams echoed through the sky.

When the other humanoids saw this scene, their armors turned into energy forms, burned in the void, and rushed towards him.


Wang Jing's face was buried in the soil, letting the humans in the dark night trample on her.

Are you still resisting?

The Night Giant lifted her up and slapped Wang Jing on the face.

Snapped! !

The sound is very crisp.

A string of blood beads suddenly spurted out from the corner of Wang Jing's mouth.

Pure-blooded humans have a tough mouth.

The Dark Night Giant pinched Wang Jing up from the ground and began to use his fingers gradually.


Wang Jing almost suffocated instantly. She struggled hard, but the big hands were like iron pincers.

She looked around for help.

However, wherever his eyes passed, there was a scene of tragedy, and all the team members were howling on the ground.

The captain was also beaten like a wave by a group of humanoids. After a huge pit was made on the ground, he stopped moving.

Their group was destroyed and fell into the hands of a group of night humans. They would be captured and used as experimental subjects and treated cruelly.

Most humanoids are enemies of pure-blood humans.

Ye Jue was puzzled and confused. Why do these humanoids want to deal with pure-blooded humans and want to kill them all?

Are they going to reoccupy the planet?

Blue Star is in a mess now, and demons keep crawling out of the ground. What's so good about it?

Are there any secrets or hidden stories in it?


At this time, the human beings discovered Ye Jue who had been standing stupidly like a stick.

Not only that, Wang Jing and a group of people also discovered him.


Wang Jing sighed when he saw such a scene.

He must have been frightened by the Dark Night Humanoid.

It's no wonder, after all, these night humans are so fierce, they can roar at the sky with overwhelming ferocity.

Why didn't you hide away just now? Maybe they wouldn't be able to find you.

She had some regrets.

This was his last chance, and he didn't take it. It was too late to escape now.

Let them go and take us to your spaceship.

Ye Jue suddenly said, his voice not loud.

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