Hey! What do you want to do?

The eyes of a group of people suddenly shrank!

Because the speed of this mysterious man is actually extremely fast! !

Only my eyes can see his movements clearly, but I can't keep up with him at all!

As soon as he finished speaking, this mysterious man jumped into the crack and entered the endless darkness underground.

Why...why is he seeking death?


Everyone is confused!

Who could have imagined such a powerful and terrifying new human being.

He actually said he would commit suicide!

No, I think he jumped on purpose to find what we were looking for!!

A scientist took off his mask, and it turned out to be an old man with a white beard.

Director Wu, what should we do now?

Other researchers are even more confused!

Go down, we have to go down and see what this person is doing!

Director Wu said seriously.

This... we don't know what's down there yet. Although our tools can go straight to the ground... the risk is too great!

A researcher quickly stepped forward to stop him.

No one knows what is underneath.

All they know so far is that the demon crawls up from below.

The devil's lair, the real devil's lair?

in the case of…

That means they broke into the devil's home.

Undoubtedly, this is an act of committing suicide.

But that one just went down.

Yeah, maybe it's not what we thought.

I have decided, Director Wu, let me go down first!

The spirit of exploration is the basic way of thinking of human beings!

Not only inventors and scientists use it!

Everyone has a spirit of exploration.

It’s just that these people have magnified it!

Okay, with this top-level protective armor, we can save our lives at any time if we are in danger.

Director Wu nodded.


A group of people began to set up equipment.

Fall vertically from the ground to the ground.

It's so deep, my God, how did that person jump just now?

Yes, is he a god?

No, it's just a new high-level human being, at least level 4!

level 4?

No way, are there really new level 4 humans?

if not?

A group of people started discussing crazily.

After landing for nearly five minutes, they finally reached a place where they could stand.

Oh my gosh, who would have thought there would be this stuff underground.

Honeycomb, just a honeycomb?

Are these holes filled with demons?

Is this where demons crawl out of holes?

They can no longer remain calm at this time!

This is simply the entrance to hell!

They guessed correctly.

This is the entrance to hell.

Entering these holes is the passage to hell.

Where was that person just now?

I don't know, let's research quickly and collect the data here!!

Set up all the equipment!

Weapon weapons, be ready to fight and evacuate at any time!

Director Wu and his group began to study the entrance to hell.

They are getting bolder.

Finally jumped in directly from the entrance.

Come to the aisles of hell.

“Oh my God, this is a maze!!”

Look at these substances, they are substances left by the devil!

Take samples, take samples quickly~!

At this moment, a demon doll floated from a distance!

Before Director Wu could react, he felt a chill on his neck!

I was shocked in my heart, and subconsciously dodged to the side quickly!

But it was still a little slow, and a bloody gash was made on his shoulder!

With the protective charm, I haven’t been hurt or felt pain for a long time! !

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