What was supposed to happen has happened.

Ye Jue sighed.

According to the plan, we still need to get the fruit of the Bodhi tree first, and then find the Crane Fairy and return on the Ice Country train.

He didn't believe that the big wolf dog would die in battle, but his intuition told him that this dog was still alive somewhere.

In addition, a group of people in the peak realm escaped.

He hoped it was Cheng Xuan, Xu Ziyue and his group.

I don’t know what happened to Su Yan, or whether she escaped with him.

Another thing is whether Chen Ya, whom he rescued at the time, would be affected by the Antarctic explosion.

At that time, the pit he dug was very deep and long, and he needed to go to Antarctica again to dig out people.

The cyborg's machine cabin can maintain operation for several years in a dormant state. As long as it is not affected by the explosion, it can be solved smoothly.


The tires pushed through the thick snow and started to move forward. This time they had to pass through an underground base city, and tomorrow the base city would provide supplies.

This is an underground city transformed from a huge global subway.


Ye Jue took the map and looked at it. There were various routes on it.

From the True North Fulong Line to the Maqiao Line, the University Line...

Passing through the Hunter Chamber of Commerce, the library, China City, and the Automobile Plaza, it runs all the way to the painter, winery, and pharmaceutical factory in the south direction, and then to the Warrior Gate entrance and exit site.

From due east to due west, it runs through the TV Center, Exhibition Center, Hongcun, Power Plant, Commercial Center...and so on!

The facilities and buildings are complete. It has withstood many attacks by demons. It should be that we have obtained an elite-level relic, right?

Ye Jue examined the map.

This huge global station city has countless complex station stores and passage lines.

It can be said that it is extremely complicated!

A person who has never been inside will definitely get lost in it for the first time.

Its hugeness is far more than that!

Almost every route leads to underground strongholds transformed from other subways.

It's as if humans have moved the entire world on the ground to a depth of more than a hundred meters underground.

The architectural styles are exactly the same, just like mold clones, they must come from relic technology.


This city is still filled with coldness and blood!

There is also the darkness and coldness infected by the wasteland...

Wait, that's...

Suddenly, Ye Jue's motorcade stopped, and someone said in a low voice.

They seemed to have discovered something.

There is a special carriage ahead that is filled with the smell of blood. Scarlet blood can still be seen vaguely on the meat hooks on it!

There were about a dozen of them, traveling very fast, as if they had a goal.

It seems to prevent them from entering Tomorrow Base City for supplies.

Oops, we encountered night humans. They are very cruel and like to eat pure-blooded humans.

Wang Jing's voice rang through the communicator.

No, they are coming towards us!

Some people were shocked and panicked.

Tomorrow Base is a comprehensive commercial base city and will not take the initiative to send soldiers out for support.

As for these night humans, the objects they hunt are living people.

Men, women, children, the elderly...all are their hunting targets. As long as they are pure-blooded humans, they will not let them go.

I heard that the Dark Night Humanoids were conducting experiments on pure-blooded humans and began to capture humans in large numbers.

The huge metal hooks on those cars are the pliers that imprison humans.

Anyone caught will be shocked with strong electric currents, losing their fighting power and unable to resist.

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