This Black Leaf Jue is too arrogant. He added a black character and thought he could become him?

Ye Jue's mouth froze immediately.

Even children know that human beings must unite and have a common enemy.

This person called Black Leaf Jue actually caused civil strife in mankind. This person must not be spared lightly.

Moreover, he had already guessed it.

This character is most likely the person seen in the video before.

The biggest trump card in Longxiao Mountain Base City is the man with a dragon tattoo on his body and a green flame sword.

Has he finally risen during his absence?

So that's it.

Ye Jue shook his head.

This Black Leaf Zetsu is most likely a replicator, a clone, or something like that.

It turned out that Long Shaoqin and the group of researchers had been hiding it to prevent him from discovering the matter.

Then I don't know what technology was used to clone him again, and it was a blackened version.

I don't know what's going on in the peak realm.

Ye Jue frowned.

When this clone is born, the situation in Longxiao Mountain will definitely change drastically.

If it is as strong as Wang Jing said, then Su Yan and the others will definitely not be able to withstand it and will suffer all kinds of oppression.

It seems that he will return as soon as possible to stabilize the situation.

However, maybe all the people in the peak realm have withdrawn from Longxiao Mountain.

After all, Cheng Xuan had told him before that he was already conducting regional selection work and preparing to establish a peak base city.

The strength of the second place is close to that of the first. No one knows how powerful she is yet.

Wang Jing's voice rose a little higher.

She is the Queen of the Wasteland, Li Lianxue, who is second on the hero list. Now she has established the Yundian Base City. She is the only person who can survive the attack of Black Leaf Jue.

She seemed to admire the second on the hero list very much.

is her?

Ye Jue felt a little relieved. It seemed that the seeds he had planted had finally sprouted, and the real Queen of the Wasteland had begun to rise.

you know?

Wang Jing couldn't help but said.

I know you. I'll introduce you to you when I have time.

Ye Jue nodded. It was obvious that Wang Jing admired Li Lianxue.

Blow it, who will believe it?

Wang Jing rolled her eyes.

She felt that the young man in front of her was talking about falsehoods and not telling the truth.

Next are the third and fourth places on the hero list, Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin respectively.

Wang Jing said again.

But it was obvious that she had no good impression of these two people, and was even full of disgust.

Because the behavior of these two people is completely unqualified to be a hero, their methods are cruel, and it is rumored that the people under their command are brutally ruled.

It turned out to be them.

Ye Jue frowned.

The two brothers who met several times in the past have now become heroes and have climbed to such a high position.

Have you met me again?

Wang Jing couldn't help but complain.

When they see me, they don't dare to be so cruel. They may even change from tigers to cats.

Ye Jue replied with a smile.


Wang Jing took a sip.

This guy is so good at boasting that he really thinks of himself as a character.

Haha, forget it if you don't believe me.

Ye Jue's golden pupils shot out rays of light, but they were hidden so deeply that she could not see them.

Now his physique has reached 410 times, surpassing the rookie who just stepped into Wufear.

If he sprints with all his strength, it will turn into a golden lightning, several times the speed of sound.

The power is even more astonishing. One punch can cause the air to explode and reverberate on the ice.

He also hopes to find someone to test how strong it is.

It would be better if it was an inferior version of him, the blackened Ye Jue. I don't know if it can withstand his attack.

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