What she saw was as deep and vast as the ocean.

However, there was a shadow hanging over it, lifeless.

As Ye Jue said, there is a lot of wasteland, corrosion and desolation, and ruins everywhere.

Some galaxies are falling apart, and the vegetation is sad.

This is a trace of the crushing time, and the passage of history brings infinite sorrow.

Those ruins seemed to be spreading like a plague, and they continued to extend. Wherever they passed, they lost their original splendor and splendor, leaving only desolation.

It turns out that not only my hometown has become a wasteland, but it is also happening in the universe.

Ye Jue couldn't calm down for a long time after seeing this.

No matter how strong and powerful he is now, he is still as small as a drop of water in the ocean.

Those wastelands are shocking, and the universe seems to be drying up.

It's so scary. No wonder the goddess said something strange is coming.

Fairy He was also quite shocked.

She had always sat in a well and watched the sky, and had never seen such a big scene.

Presumably those who have used the divine seal to teleport have known such a thing for a long time.

No wonder a large number of powerful aliens are desperately trying to become stronger, break through existing technology, and break through physical fitness.

After all, who doesn’t know how many people will survive when a catastrophe strikes…

This is the current world. Now that the earth is undergoing changes, we don't know what the outcome will be.

Ye Jue couldn't help but look gloomy.

It has become more difficult for humans to survive in this world.

Originally, he simply believed that as long as the demons were defeated, humans would continue their race.

However, seeing the changes in the universe, he felt bad.

Even if the devil is defeated, mankind will face greater and more difficult challenges, and there will be cosmic-level erosion.

He felt that he was too naive in the past and needed to change. He should set his goal towards deep space.

That blue planet is our destination, right?

Crane Fairy said.

The blue planet is now shrouded in shadow. Some places are covered with scorched earth, and some places are covered with glaciers, giving it a wasteland scene.

However, she discovered that the end of the wormhole tunnel was on the other side of the blue planet, a cratered celestial body with blue light shining on it.

This is called the moon, and that is the road to career change, leading to the interior of the moon.

Ye Jue didn't expect that the divine seal was inside the moon. He and Fairy He went straight to the inside of the moon.


As they left, the wormhole tunnel suddenly closed.

The place where the divine seal is located is a space full of technology, with various instruments and advanced computer terminal facilities.

However, this place has been abandoned and covered with dust. Only the surface of the divine seal is faintly flowing with purple light, without any beads.

Someone once studied the divine seal inside the moon?

Ye Jue had some enlightenment.

This may mean that there are more than one pure-blooded human race who have left their hometown and gone to other stars!

He once heard in the wasteland of later generations that in the early days of the demonic outbreak, leaders of various countries mysteriously disappeared and built a super ark, but disappeared.

Could it be that they just used the divine seal to teleport away?

This is very possible, because when the devil crawled out of the ground, only those few troops were commanding power, and no president was seen.

Ye Jue's heart was not at peace.

Originally he thought those high-level officials were dead, but now he seemed to have the answer.

However, since this is a research laboratory, there must be data left behind.

Ye Jue walked over and tapped on the keyboard.

After a while, the computer with a flashing blue screen returned to the desktop, displaying a mysterious graphic.

This used to be the symbol of the United Nations, representing that it was jointly developed by all countries.

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