
Ye Jue nodded.

It seems that he finally deceived a big demon.

Crane Fairy breaks through to King Kong and will be a very powerful fighting force.

Hey, look, the goddess is making some moves!

At this moment, Fairy He was suddenly startled.

Sure enough, there were dark clouds there, and a terrifying aura shrouded them, blocking the sky and the sun.

The goddess sat down and slid her palm forward!


A huge crack appeared in front of her.

This hand is more powerful than the black feather boy.

At that time, the space crack was blown out by the super bomb.

The goddess used her own power to forcefully open this gap in space.

Why do you have to go to the Black Realm?

Ye Jue couldn't help but ask.

If he doesn't speak again, this senior goddess will enter the dark realm and disappear without a trace.

Most of the place we are in is vacuum, and we are composed of matter. Vacuum is not empty. There are the creation and annihilation of pairs of virtual particles in it. Pure vacuum is nothingness itself, without space, time and matter.

What the goddess said was too profound. She seemed to be explaining the black realm, but she couldn't explain it clearly.

She is very quick in cognition and can obtain information from space, which is incredible.

The words he spoke had almost become human language, and he accepted them too quickly, which completely violated the rules.

In an instant, she combined the present and the past and said something very avant-garde.

The latitudes of time are different. The speed at which we and mayflies perceive time is the same. That is to say, they cannot escape if we capture the mayflies.

The goddess gradually walked towards the space crack.

A slow-moving giant must not have the same concept of time as we perceive it.

She kept walking.

It's very interesting now. In vitro technology? The road to mythology? It will definitely surpass giants exponentially, and mayflies cannot be compared with humans in any way.

The goddess stepped into the rift in space.

Time is always relative. You are the hope. You don't need to live longer than the giants here, you just need to be faster than them.

She smiled.

I have to enter the dark realm to survive. I also have doubts and need to find the truth.

The goddess said calmly, and finally disappeared into the crack in space.

The black realm is separated from the real world and cannot invade the real world. This is actually a kind of protection... because there is a big strange existence in this universe...

The goddess's last words woke Ye Jue up.

The black-feathered boy and the goddess couldn't wait to enter the black realm. Is it actually to avoid this big weird thing?

This is interesting. What does this big weirdness refer to?

It's so profound, my head hurts.

Fairy He shook her head in confusion upon hearing this. This goddess was too talkative.

I don't know much about it either. Let's get out of here quickly.

Ye Jue touched the Xiangshen Seal.


The system has been identified: [Divine Seal]

Since the system has been upgraded, it can be directly extracted as a gain buff.

Extract the teleportation buff in [Divine Seal], and you can transfer between divine seals at any time without sacrifice.

Note: You can use it by imagining the teleportation location in your mind.

This is a complete surprise...

Ye Jue took a deep breath. The system was now very powerful, and it actually extracted the transfer of the divine seal into a buff.

After turning on the buff, imagine that you can teleport to the destination without limit. It is really a bug!

On the contrary, if you turn off the buff, you will not be able to teleport.

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