Break it, I don't believe there is any power that can withstand the joint attack of the three of us!

Mr. Changli roared and attacked more violently.

Boom boom boom! !

Yuxu and Heisha also frantically attacked the huge golden egg.

There was a roar all around, and the huge golden egg expanded more and more, almost five times larger than before.

Something is wrong!

Qin Jiaxian was so frightened that he ran away with his long legs.

The dome was obviously about to explode in the pit, so he had to hide.

Yaksha, the One-horned Immortal, and the Crane Fairy were also frightened, with horror in their eyes.

They are all monsters who follow the path of mythology and have experienced this kind of thing.

However, the fearless eggs they hatch are not so terrifying...

Ye Jue's egg contains rich energy fluctuations and is expanding more and more!

It's going to explode!

Fairy He felt her hair standing on end, and she suddenly became frightened and quickly backed away.

No, run away!

Mr. Changli also realized the seriousness.

This seems to be some kind of energy ball used to incubate the body, not an egg.

A terrifying force enveloped them.


Yuxu and Heisha saw this and retreated at the same time.

However, they were too close and they were all a step too late.

boom! ! !

The light flooded the potholes, the wind howled, and the light was brilliant. It was like a bright sun in the sky.

Every corner was affected, and naturally the stone chamber was also affected.

It really exploded!

Black Shark's face was full of horror, and he felt that his body was broken and torn apart.

However, he did not die, and he ran the energy furnace to force the connection.

Mr. Chang Li and Yu Xu were also directly blown away by the violent impact, flying out like rags with thick smoke.

Their semi-mechanical bodies ‘clicked’ and seemed to have been severely damaged.


Qinjiazhuang was pushed away and hit the wall of the pit in the distance.

The three demons didn't fare well either. They were blown away one after another and became weaker.

The momentum of Breakthrough Without Fear is so strong.

Ye Jue knew that he had 'exploded' and blew everyone away.

However, his body did not explode. It was shining brightly. Like Qin Jiaxian, he finally upgraded to a fearless body.

Moreover, his physique is nearly a hundred times stronger, approaching the middle stage of fearlessness.

By the way, where is the goddess?

What Ye Jue was most concerned about was whether the power of the explosion affected the goddess.


He looked in the direction of the stone room and almost fell down.

No way?

Did it really collapse?

Is the stone chamber so weak?

Where is the goddess? She won't be smashed to death, right?

Ye Jue stared repeatedly.

It would be an injustice if the goddess was killed by a boulder in her sleep.

However, he didn't mean it. Goddess Izumi knew it and should be forgiven.

Ling Lingling... Xiao.

At this time, Qin Jiaxian pointed at Ye Jue tremblingly and stammered.

Behind you...

She seemed frightened and took several steps back.


Ye Jue didn't turn his head, but he felt breath blowing on the back of his neck.

The breath was very cold, like a cold current, making his spine and hair instantly numb.

Who is that?

The great demon Yaksha and the one-horned fairy also noticed something was wrong and looked at them in shock.


Mr. Changli, Yuxu, and Black Shark quickly adjusted their status after being blown away.

However, they all stopped and looked at this woman with some confusion.

who is she?

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