Blood is as weak as bitterness. Only mechanical flying is the truth.

Yuxu's whole body burned into a red glow. He was bound to get the Vajra Secret Scroll to unlock the consciousness lock and develop his potential.


Ye would never waste any time with him and desperately resisted this attack.

Suoyuan Shou and Blood Corpse Palm fought back wildly and fought with him.

He is just assisting in the battle, the main force is still the one-horned fairy.


The energy on the Horned Fairy's horn filled the air, overflowing with silvery white flames, and the energy surged with every breath.

This was definitely a killing move, and he hit Yuxu.

boom! !

Yuxu's whole body was knocked over, blood spilled, and he almost disintegrated.

He had just been controlled by Suo Yuanshou for nearly 1 second before the One-horned Fairy could succeed.


He opened his eyes suddenly, and both eyes were filled with swastikas, covering the one-horned fairy.

The body of the horned fairy is very large and difficult to avoid.

However, this time it was prepared, dug up the ground, and buried its body in it.


The swastika suppressed him and knocked Ye Jue away.

However, it was not able to suppress the one-horned fairy and let it escape the blow.


After using this blow, Yuxu's eyes began to bleed again, and his eyeballs were somewhat cracked.

This is the mythical power of analysis, made into two eyeballs.

However, it doesn’t match his body and causes rejection, so it cannot be used multiple times.

This battle was too long. He had to use it at least five times before he started bleeding.

Kill you!!!

Yuxu was full of murderous intent, closed his eyes and roared, then opened them again.

The swastika appeared again, his pupils bloomed with mysterious flames, and he suppressed the One-horned Fairy at all costs.


There was a groan under the ground, and a large amount of blood spilled out, forming a spring pool.

not good.

Ye Jue was shocked. If the One-horned Immortal died, his combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

By then it will no longer be this situation, they will be pushed to one side, and they will definitely lose.

boom! boom! boom!

He went all out and exerted the maximum power of the golden liquid. The terrifying power was emitted, reaching the peak of fearlessness.

At this time, he already had the same fighting power as the big demon and pounced directly on Yuxu.

This was the most direct collision between living creatures. Ye Jue's fists were extremely domineering, and a group of black shadows followed behind him. It was so terrifying.


The two collided several times, and both were injured. Their bodies were dented and they could no longer lift their arms.

What is this power of yours that you can actually fight against me?

Yuxu closed his eyes that were bleeding, and suffered heavy injuries to his body. He fell dozens of meters away.

He saw the same thing happened to the boy opposite him. He was smashed directly into the ground, and he even thought that the boy was dead.

However, this man actually stood up again, his fists glowing, and he came to kill again.

This energy was stronger than him, and it felt like it was crushing the technology outside the body, which really shocked him!


Ye Jue must let the One-horned Immortal take a breath and once again burst out with the power of the golden liquid substance. The group of humanoid black shadows behind him became more and more substantial.

And following step by step, the black shadow at the front seemed to be strangulating his neck.


He used his Suoyuan Hand again and used it together with the Blood Corpse Palm.

Now the gap is no longer quite big, and coupled with the almost supernatural abilities he has acquired, it becomes even more powerful and unrivaled.

boom! boom!

Yuxu was forced back again and flew into the air.


The one-horned fairy roared underground, and its body was like flames and lightning, turning into a dazzling beam of light and flying out.


It hit Yuxu's chest heavily, and a bloody hole was directly penetrated.

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