
Yuxu made a backhand chop.

Suddenly, a harsh metallic friction sound erupted between the two.

What kind of magic trick is this?

Qin Jiaxian was very concerned about the flame pellets ejected from Fairy He's mouth.

These are some stones that I usually eat and accumulate in my stomach. They can be used as weapons to shoot out when necessary.

The Crane Fairy suddenly opened her long beak again, and ripples spread layer by layer in the void on both sides.

boom! !

This time a dozen of them were ejected.

Dang Dang Dang! !

Yuxu's external technology was suddenly struck with a harsh sound.

He was also beaten until he retreated repeatedly.

Fairy Crane, I'm here to help you too.

Qin Jiaoxian's wound just now has been treated and no longer bleeds. He immediately took out the weapon from the space bracelet.

This weapon is not a legacy from mythology, nor is it a lost treasure from modern times.

It is a kind of energy that can be charged and compressed to release deadly energy.

It is also very simple and crude to use. It directly shoots out a green beam to destroy everything in front of it.

Buzz! !

Even Yuxu couldn't withstand their combined attacks and kept falling back.


The big demon Yaksha is fighting for his life, facing the two powerful men Mr. Changli and Black Shark.

Although he could barely fight, the pressure was too great and he couldn't withstand it for a long time.

Senior, let me help you.

At this moment, a shout came from the distance.

The person coming was flying at lightning speed, far away, his left hand formed a hook, and his right hand turned into a palm, intertwined together, and a roaring sound erupted.

These are the Suo Yuan Hand and Corpse Blood Palm of the Extraordinary Holy Law, the true legacy of myth.


Mr. Chang Li and Hei Shark were both very surprised.

They only felt the air on their bodies explode, making thunderous sounds, and then being bombarded by mysterious power with terrifying force!

This is……

Mr. Changli was hit by Suoyuan's hand, and his whole body turned into a stick and stood there, imprisoned.


He let out a low drink, his whole body burning red, and the sudden explosion immediately cracked the Suo Yuan hand.

The power of mythical legacy!?

Black Shark screamed, and he was in a worse situation. The Corpse Blood Palm hit his chest directly, and a series of blood splashes immediately spattered out.

Then there was a 'bang' explosion, which was a blood explosion in his body, causing him to fly backwards.

However, he didn't suffer any serious injuries, he was just hit by a strange force.

However, he couldn't believe that he would be injured by this kid.

External technology is too powerful. Suo Yuan Shou and Blood Corpse Palm can only break through defenses.

Ye Jue was shocked. This was the buff extracted from the artifact. He thought he could hit two in a row, but it seemed that he was overthinking it.

It is also possible that his physique is too weak now and cannot exert the true power of Suo Yuan Hand and Blood Corpse Palm.

But now that he holds ten bodhi seeds in his hand, he can break through to 400 times his physical strength at any time.

If he is pushed too hard, the worst he can do is break through on the spot. When the time comes, the force of the breakthrough will wake up the thousand-year-old female corpse, and everyone will finish the game together.

Boy, hand over the Vajra Secret Scroll, that is not something you can possess!

Mr. Chang Li and Hei Shark were almost crazy, their eyes were red, and they rushed towards Ye Jue again.

Don't even think about it!

At the same time, a deep voice came from behind them.

It was a huge creature, with wings vibrating and lightning wrapped around its horns, heading straight towards them.


The air exploded, rocks collapsed in the cave, and a decisive battle was going on in the deep pit.

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