Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 429 Water Curtain Cave is also a relic of myth

In front of Ye Jue, it turned out to be Qin Jiaxian.

You're finally here. You scared me to death just now.

Qin Jiaxian immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

She just saw Ye Jue walking backward out of the pit, and her heart was shaken.

There is actually such an operation. This Ling Xiao is really weird. Fortunately, he can think of it.

You saw me walking away, why didn't you leave?

Ye Jue asked.

It's not that this place is so attractive. Look at these ancient scrolls. They are all leftover from myths. Each one records the past of history.

Qin Jiaxian said excitedly.

The ancient scrolls here shocked her so much.

Because there are historical gaps in the universe that are mysteriously cut apart, causing myths to disappear.

Everyone wants to know the truth, and part of the truth is recorded in these ancient scrolls.

The universe has been shrouded in the fog of mythology since ancient times. Even though everyone now practices in vitro technology, there are still people who are eager to know the truth.

Come and take a look. This is a place called Huaguoshan. There is a mysterious water curtain cave inside. It was actually created by a man from the myth.

She eagerly took the dusty ancient scroll to Advisor Ye Jue.

The blessed land of Huaguo Mountain and the Water Curtain Cave and Heaven are all the words of myths.

According to the records, in the water curtain cave, there are white jade floating clouds, swaying haze in the light, a quiet room with empty windows, dragon beads hanging in the milk cave, and rare treasures all over the ground.

There are stone stools, stone tables, and chopping boards inside. The red dust is billowing and full of life, which shows that a mythical person has lived there.

The contents recorded in the ancient scrolls here are all related to this place called Huaguoshan. I guess the person who wrote the ancient scrolls must be the owner of Shuiliandong.

Qin Jiaxian was a little excited.

She was not idle at all when she came here. She saw a lot of things. She even took Ye Jue's hand and motioned for him to see the important existence she discovered.

This is……

Ye Jue's heart was shocked. This was a stone chamber with a flower coffin inside. The cover of the flower coffin had been opened.

Lying quietly inside was a woman with a Bagua chart on her back. Her skin was crystal clear, her red lips were bright and sexy, she had a fairy-like appearance and an excellent figure.

There was a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, which was frozen forever.

What made his scalp numb the most was... the woman's chest was rising and falling slightly.

This body is still alive? ?

Am I right? This is the person left behind by the myth?! Is he still alive?

Ye Jue was extremely shocked.

This woman's appearance is impeccable, and she can be said to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

If you compete with Qin's fake fairy, you can beat the latter.

The horror is that he is still alive, absolutely outrageous!

Is this what the janitor calls it?

Ye Jue never expected that it would be a living remnant of the myth.

Yes, yes, this may be the founder of Huaguoshan and the real owner of Shuilian Cave.

Qin Jiaoxian looked excited when he contacted the contents of those ancient scrolls.

The real owner of Water Curtain Cave?

Ye Jue gasped.

He once read the lost book in the wasteland's optical brain.

There are also mentions of Huaguoshan and Shuiliandong, but the owner is a stone monkey.

Moreover, the water curtain cave leads directly to the underground, where there is a place called Dragon Palace.

Is there any myth left behind on the planet of pure-blooded humans?

Ye Jue was extremely surprised. If it was true, he vowed to search for it after returning to the wasteland to see if the myth was true.

Dragon Palace? Dragon Palace? It's so mythical and unbelievable. It's so amazing.

Qin Jiaxian was also shocked. The water curtain cave leads directly to the Dragon Palace?

Is that Dragon Palace the place where Tianlong lives?

She was chattering away and talking to herself.

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