Let's see where you can escape to.

The man covered in black metal armor saw the mottled traces of time and also saw a corner of the bronze plaque.

This is the legacy of the myth.

However, when he just stepped into the door.


Then there was a bang, and the light shot into the sky, forming a crushing force that hit him.

This was when Xianhe and Ye Jue attacked him simultaneously.


The black armor on his body showed terrible cracks, and even parts fell off.

You are seeking death!

The black-armored man roared, like a sharp and bright divine spear, and rushed towards Ye Jue to kill him.

He was going to twist off this little thief's head and stew that damn crane.

Watch out for his jab!

The crane rushed over and blocked Ye Jue's blow.

Because the man in black armor was too strong, she didn't want to see the child die immediately.


Ye Juegang was about to use the power of golden liquid to escape the attack of the man in black armor.

But this man's speed was so fast and his attack was so fierce that he didn't even react.

In vitro technology is really powerful.

He once again refreshed his understanding. The power of external technology is too twisted and cannot be judged by common sense.

Let's go quickly.

The crane was knocked away, but was not injured. It screamed, and immediately picked up Ye Jue and ran towards the pothole. It looked a bit funny.

You're going to kill you!

The man in black armor was furious, a long bow appeared in his hand, and he shot an arrow.

This bow and his energy furnace roared, and when the arrow feathers flew out, they made thunderous sounds.

Whoosh! !

The arrow instantly sank into the darkness ahead without causing any waves.


He was a little surprised, thinking it was an illusion, and immediately shot another arrow.

However, there was still no response.

The arrow seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness ahead.

There's something weird here.

The expression of the man in black armor suddenly became solemn.

He was very aware of the lethality of these two arrows, but they did not cause any ripples.

No matter what, we must catch that human as soon as possible.

In one breath, his whole body was filled with red light, his limbs were like lava gushing out, the fire was surging, and the energy was undulating.

This is when extracorporeal technology opens the second stage, raising the energy to the highest point.

Then, his body made a crackling sound, and if you look carefully, it was a semi-mechanical friction.

Those machines were very red and constantly dripping lava, which was very scary.


He turned into a blazing red flame and rushed after them.

So fast, so hot, so strong!

The crane was stunned, feeling the murderous aura behind him. He turned around and looked solemn.

The man in black armor is so amazing. I don’t know what myth was parsed to make the in vitro technology so terrifying!

Stop it!

The man in black armor wanted to play cat-and-mouse, so he punched and kicked him.


Xianhe and Ye Jue were directly blasted into the hole. This attack was too powerful, even stronger than the fearless level.

However, at this moment...the silence was terrifying.


Strange noises were heard all around.

Because we have reached the entrance of the pothole, strange things are happening.


The man in black armor suddenly frowned and punched behind him.

boom! !

Something seemed to explode behind him, and the sky was filled with stars.

These are particles. It seems that there are living things here that are unwilling to die.

He was a little surprised and seemed to remember something.

After all this, I'm thinking that I must get the Vajra Secret Scroll now.

He walked into this deep passage with murderous intent.

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