This is an interesting statement, and it is very relevant to the situation of the stars.

Qin Jiaxian hit another member of the extraordinary organization.


The humanoid immediately flew more than twenty meters away and rolled down the white jade stairs.

It was suddenly disintegrated by the mysterious power here and turned into a bloody mist.

It can be seen how terrifying this repressive force is.

Night Crow and the remaining five people turned pale.

They ran away desperately, unable to muster the desire to fight.

For high-entropy bodies like them, this is an absolute place of death and nemesis.

There must be involution among the stars, right?

As soon as Ye Jue finished speaking, he saw a flying blade coming towards him.

The humanoid threw the flying blade, trying to buy some time to escape.

boom! !

However, although the flying blade was very powerful, it only left a white mark on Ye Jue's body.

Your purity is very high. Is it caused by the energy in your body?

Qin Jiaxian did not forget to explore Ye Jue's secret.

She clearly remembered what happened in the grove.

The ghostly figures stretching their arms forward are still vivid in my mind.

It is a strange energy that can improve Ye Jue's physique after being used, temporarily surpassing the tyrant and reaching the fearless level.

Use more strength and your physique can reach its fearless peak in a short time!

But those ghosts will appear at this moment, and they will change, which is difficult to understand.

Yes, this power is a bit weird, and I don't want to use it anymore.

Ye Jue leaped over, grabbed the humanoid throwing the flying blade, and directly blasted his body through.


Under the terrifying pressure of this place, such people were immediately minced. This was simply torture like Ling Chi.


He screamed and turned into a ball of blood mist, with no bones left.

There are two other energies in his body now, Hunyuan energy and internal force.

After arriving here, after eating so many monsters and extracting many monster cores, the energy value has now reached 80,000+!

Mysterious gold liquid\u003eHunyuan energy\u003eInternal force.

If the energy value exceeds 100,000, then the internal force can be liquefied.

However, Hunyuan energy has a constant value and cannot be liquefied, so the top-notch treasure will stop there.

At that time, internal force will be ranked ahead of Hunyuan energy.

After practicing for a while, the Hunyuan energy can be discarded directly.


He has lost his space bracelet now, and there is no cultivation-related treasure.

Among the 20 buff columns that I have been practicing silently, all the internal skills have reached about 7~8 levels.

Now every time you improve, it takes a lot of time.

Some are for a few months, some are for half a year, and some are for more than one year, five years, or ten years...

He couldn't wait until that time, so it was best to replace them with a new batch immediately so that his internal strength and physique could improve again.

Anyway, you are almost fearless now. Let's quickly deal with the enemies in front of us and see what's on the roof of Yuqiong Tower.

Qin Jiaoxian slaughtered them all the way, and only the black-armored man was killed.

She wanted to say that in addition to low-entropy bodies and high-entropy bodies, there is also a counter-entropic body.

Moreover, the most primitive anti-entropy body has no flaws and is more powerful than pure-blood humans.

Then let's deal with him quickly.

Ye Jue and Qin Jiuxian immediately took action, both attacking the young man covered in black metal armor.

boom! !

A huge explosion occurred between the two.

This was a bomb thrown by the young man in black armor. The energy was so intense that it immediately caused extremely terrifying consequences.

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