Boss, they have entered the restricted area of ​​life, what should we do?

Others asked, frowning.

Yes, there are indescribably powerful and strange existences in the forbidden zone of life, and even our extraordinary organization would not dare to provoke them easily.

Someone murmured.

Why don't we give up the mission? Anyway, we are just outer members of the extraordinary organization, so we don't need to work hard.

These people all looked at Ye Crow.

Strictly speaking, they are not members of extraordinary organizations.

But there are also some connections.

Because Ye Crow's sister is married to a big boss in the extraordinary organization.

After all, many people would be willing to do this if they want to find a backer.

Don't you want to be promoted? Be a peripheral member for the rest of your life?

Ye Ya's face instantly turned gloomy.

This mission has two tasks: kill the target and investigate the destruction of the laboratory.

This is a two-for-one, and the reward points add up to a very generous amount, enough for them to be promoted quickly.

Now that the target is right in front of him, how is it possible to tell him not to pursue it?


Everyone else looked at each other.

Indeed, those who become members of extraordinary organizations can receive many benefits.

It would be a lie to say that I am not excited, it must be extremely exciting.

Then let's break into the restricted area of ​​life, kill them, complete the mission, and get reward points!

Someone brandished a knife there and said viciously.

Okay, let's do it this way, adjust the external technology, open the energy pool to the maximum, and prepare to enter.

Nightcrow immediately gave the order.

As you command, Captain!

I felt like something was targeting me, something malicious.

Qin Jiaoxian muttered in a doubtful tone.

You're right. I just saw some vague shadows. It seems like someone is chasing us.

Ye Jue nodded.

It definitely can't be the big demon, it should be the extraordinary organization, the group of people who assassinated me just now.

Qin Jiaoxian faced the direction behind him with a cold look on his face.

Before the previous account was settled, these people dared to attack her.

Do you really not care about those who practice the old way?

It's better to be careful. I think they still have daggers made from Tianlonglin powder.

Ye Jue reminded.

After all, Qin Jiaxian had suffered losses with this dagger.

Hmph, I won't be careless this time.

Qin Jiaxian heard this and snorted coldly.

She even wanted to catch the leaders of those people and ask them about their purpose.

It seems that the two bosses are being hunted. Why don't you listen to me? I have a plan.

The Golden Wolf King rolled his eyes and came up with an idea.

Really useful?

Qin Jiaxian looked puzzled.

I promise it will work.

The Golden Wolf King nodded sharply.

Okay then, lead the way!

Ye Jue said immediately.

This strategy is related to the restricted area of ​​​​life.

The Golden Wolf King told them that there was a strange place here that only recognized pure life forms.

If the killers who catch up have extracorporeal technology, they will be brutally suppressed.

They got inside and they didn't know what they were doing.

The man frowned, looking puzzled.

The forbidden zone of life is full of weirdness. They may have been tricked.

Someone nodded.

There was something strange in the darkness opposite, as if it could swallow all life.

Are you all blind? Didn't you see that?

Night Crow suddenly made a sound, causing a huge sensation.


There is such a thing?

Oh my god, it is said that the restricted area is full of opportunities, and now I believe it!

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