Like this... tighten it, yes, hold it down like this, use your body's strength to push it, yes, now pull the trigger.

A soldier taught me step by step.


A bullet was as fast as lightning and hit the mutant mouse directly on the forehead!


The head of the mutated mouse was directly smashed!


Ye Jue smiled from behind.

There are quite a lot of mutant mice here.

With gunfire.

More mutant mice discovered them.

After a scream, he rushed forward madly.


The soldiers shouted.

Bang bang bang!

With the help of those soldiers, Dong Minmin fired at gunpoint!

These mutated mice were all torn apart and bleeding!

In order to avoid the bullets, they dodged around, rolled around as donkeys, jumped over walls as cats, and other tricks.

A fish that slipped through the net pounces!

Before he even got close, he was turned into flesh and blood by a thunderbolt.

The flesh and blood splashed on Dong Minmin's face, which was extremely warm.


Dong Minmin suddenly let out a scream!

Ye Jue immediately felt dumbfounded.

Isn’t it just the brain and internal organs?

What are you afraid of?


He said something.

The soldiers Lian Mai quickly held down Dong Minmin's head to calm her down.

The AK suddenly spurted out tongues of fire!

After a while!

Rat carcasses were left in the sewer.

I have upgraded, level 1, and I have become a new human being.

After coming back to his senses, Dong Minmin screamed.

Thank you, thank you...I have actually become a new human being.

Dong Minmin looked excited with excitement.

She never thought that one day, she would actually become an awakened person!


He also awakened his superpower.

Could I be dreaming?

She pinched her face hard.

It hurts!

It seems not!

Level 1 new human Dong Minmin, go ahead and clear the way!

Ye Jue said to her with a smile.

In fact, Dong Minmin knew another safe passage in the hospital.

However, Ye Jue insisted on going here, and there was nothing she could do.

Suppressing the fear and fear in my heart.

She glanced at Ye Jue and Xu Ziyue behind her, and walked forward with her heart in mind.


The girl's skinny body doesn't have much strength.

However, she became the Awakened One.

It can easily climb ladders and jump over dangerous terrain in one go.


Ye Jue followed as if traveling.

There is no sympathy or affection...

Instead, he urged her like a slave master.


Dong Minmin felt that she was being ruthlessly exploited.

However, something magical is...

She didn't feel repulsed.

Wiped the sweat on my forehead vigorously!

He wiped his clothes stained with dirty blood.

Fortunately, there were no dangers along the way. They quickly climbed up the ladder and left the sewer. The three of them entered the lowest level of the hospital.

Do you know the way here?

Ye Jue asked.

I have always lived on the third floor and have never dared to come down.

Dong Minmin said quickly.

After a while, an army soldier said.

Devil! There is a boss demon!

This soldier looked frightened!

The boss demon?

Everyone gasped.

They have experienced that fear!

The terror of the boss demon still remains in my mind.

They couldn't help but look at Dong Minmin.

How could this girl survive for so long in a hospital controlled by a demon leader?


Faced with the soldiers' doubts, Dong Minmin's face turned pale.

What is the demon boss?

she does not know.

All she knew was that there were many demons in the hospital.

However, she has unique routes to avoid.

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