boom! !

Sparks fly!

Ye Jue directly blocked the attack and did not let the sneak attacker succeed.

It turns out there is Huang Que behind you, trying to kill people and silence them?

Ye Jue smiled coldly, pinched Brother Xiong's throat, and said, Speak!

That's all I know about the extraordinary organization!


Brother Xiong's neck was crushed.

Captain Night Crow, mission accomplished, target successfully killed.

A voice came out from the communicator.

Very good! You did a great job!!

Night Crow said excitedly.

But Brother Xiong said the name of our organization.

The communicator said hesitantly.

It doesn't matter, just kill the target and close the team!

Night Crow raised the corner of his mouth.

Wait a seems like something is coming!

A voice suddenly came from the communicator.

what happened?

Night Crow frowned.

How could it be, it's him! Impossible, how did he find me! Ah——!

A scream came from the communicator.


This man is so scary!

The speed and power are so terrifying. This is a strong man from the old way, so invincible?

The sniper was punched in the stomach.


He vomited all over the floor!

Even the food he ate was vomited out. He raised his head suddenly, his eyes filled with fear and horror.

I really can't believe how powerful this man in front of me is!

Are those who follow the old path about to rise?

The sniper just now, was you?

Ye Jue said coldly.

Your body has not been modified, and you are not humanoid. Are you a pure-blood human? I didn't expect that you can see pure-blood humans here. Isn't that place sealed? No one can enter. It's too far away from here. Yes, how did you get here?

The sniper looked shocked.

Sorry, I won't say anything else.

His face turned dark and he stopped talking.

Then die.

Ye Jue smashed his head with a punch, and a black communicator flew out.

Extraordinary organization, I remember it.

Who is this?

Night Crow frowned.

His team was killed!

You know, the sniper direction of the super sniper rifle is very far away. How on earth was it found?

It's a bit incredible...

The relationship is finally settled.

He smiled.

Ye Jue returned here silently. The sky was dark and dark clouds were rolling in.

Qin Jiaxian's body was still frozen inside, without any breath.

Destiny is always so unpredictable...

He sighed.

The assassination by the extraordinary organization was too sudden, and neither he nor she was prepared.

If he had been prepared, he would certainly not have been killed so easily.

In addition, who did Qin Jiaxian offend to cross the planet to assassinate her?

What kind of existence is the extraordinary organization?

As a friend, I can't let you die in the wilderness, so I'd better bury you.

Ye Jue felt a little sad and started digging in the earth, preparing to bury Qin Jiaxian.

You really plan to bury me, but I'm not dead.

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded in Ye Jue's mind.

Qin Fake Immortal?

Ye Jue's pupils shrank and he quickly looked at the corpse.

However, there was nothing strange about the body, its eyes were still closed, and its lips had not moved.

Audio hallucination?

His scalp was numb, maybe it was a ghost.

It must be that Qin Jiaxian felt that his death was unjust, and he was very unwilling. His soul turned into a resentful ghost and came to find him.

Qin Jiaxian... hurry up and rest in peace. If you want to take revenge, go to the extraordinary organization.

Ye Jue hurriedly muttered and speeded up digging.

Stop it, I'm really not dead. This is the near-death automatic repair device. I will wake up soon.

Qin Jiaxian said quickly.

Fortunately, Ling Xiao's mental perception was extraordinary, otherwise she would not be able to talk to him.

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