It is normal operation to establish a stronghold in the wasteland of the universe to facilitate hunting.

The laws of the wasteland apply at all times.

Qin Jiaxian shook his head and said.

Those thugs, fugitives, villains...

They will always look for a relatively safe and dangerous place to build a stronghold similar to a safe house.

In summary, it's a group of bad guys gathered together.

Please save my sister, she is still in that stronghold and is controlled by those orcs.

This woman had a dirty face and said pitifully.

Only then did Ye Jue see her face clearly.

It turned out to be humanoid, like a cat, with round animal ears.

I'm not the Virgin.

Ye Jue looked at Qin Jiaxian.


Qin Jiaxian thought for a while and said immediately.

All right.

Ye Jue nodded helplessly.

He followed Qin Jiaxian and leaped forward.

Immediately, I saw the target.

It's surrounded by defenses and a security gate, making it difficult to get through.

The surroundings were very quiet, and it seemed that all the nearby monsters had been cleared away.

About a dozen people...with one powerful guy.

Ye Jue touched his chin.

Now that he has cultivated a spiritual body, his mind is even stronger.

You can instantly feel how many strong men there are in the stronghold.

I've destroyed many of these strongholds. It depends on my performance.

Qin Jiaoxian didn't take it seriously and punched the safety door in front of him.


The door was immediately dented and could not withstand the second punch.

In this stronghold, the fiery red animal skin carpet was stained with blood.

There were scratches everywhere on the surrounding walls.

A low groan came from a distance.

Faintly, several figures could be seen floating.


Four humanoids gathered in a circle, laughing and cursing.

On the other side, on the round bed in the middle of the room, a bear man was sitting there.

He was covered in thick black fur and looked like a black bear.

It seems to have been transformed...

Ye Jue discovered that there was a long tail at the end of the bear man's spine.

Is this a humanoid race?

It was also the first time for Ye Jue to see him.

This humanoid, nicknamed Brother Bear, is a blue-lettered fugitive who lives up to his name, a big black bear.

Nima, haha!


Brother Xiong roared in a low voice!

It sounds like heavy metal.

Be with him!

Surrounded by several humanoid Catwomen.

However, Brother Xiong seemed not satisfied.

Roll rough!

He suddenly kicked this beauty several meters away!

Then, another humanoid girl was pulled over while cursing.

What kind of beast...

Qin Jiaxian's face was dark.


The security door was broken?

Who are you?

The humanoids were stunned.

Brother Xiong even narrowed his eyes and shouted: Who are you??

The person who killed you.

Qin Jiaxian didn't say anything and took action directly.

Puff puff!


It was the sound of flesh and blood tearing apart, rising and falling against each other.

Puff puff! !


Spare my life!

Stop fighting!!

We surrender!

The humans screamed.

What kind of monster is this, with a body that is even more terrifying than their humanoid counterparts?

In an instant, they were all injured to varying degrees, lying on the ground wailing!

How dare you take action? Kill!

Brother Xiong roared loudly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He jumped continuously and rushed over with heavy force.

Bang bang!

The soles of his feet rubbed against the ground, sending out bursts of sparks.

He was very powerful and whipped his thick tail towards them.

This tail has a very strong sense of oppression!

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