The flame in the jar was like a small sun, with a few sparks falling out from time to time.

Ye Jue held it like this. He looked at Qin Jiaxian, and Qin Jiaxian also turned to look at him.

Are you sure that's what you did?

Qin Jiaoxian was a little scared. It was hard for her to imagine how the jar would react when it was placed on her back.

Will it explode suddenly? That would be terrible!

Don't worry, I've done some research and it should be fine.

Ye Jue comforted him, and then put the jar hard on Qin Jiaoxian's perfect back.

Suddenly, the flames in the jar were like a black hole, taking a big bite of Qin Jiaxian's flesh, and began to rise.


Qin Jiaxian screamed in an instant. He didn't expect it to be so exciting. It felt so good.

Next is the second one.

Seeing how happy she was, Ye Jue felt that the technique was okay, so he started making a second cupping pot.

Ah~~ Ah~~

In the quiet jungle, fascinating shouts rang out...

I didn't expect cupping to be such a sensation. I'm fearless and I haven't felt this way for a long time.

Qin Jiaxian was paralyzed on the leaves like a pile of mud.

The hot cupping cup sucked her skin, and streams of heat flowed from the top directly to the inside of her body.

It was as if a warm hand was squeezing her whole body, until a wave of heat rushed to her brain, and her soul was instantly trembling.

That's right, this flawless back should be cupped.

Ye Jue was very satisfied when he saw the purple and black circles on Qin Jiaxian's shoulders and waist.

However, those circles disappeared quickly.

After all, he is a body without fear and has a strong ability to recover.

Is this the end?

Qin Jiaoxian felt a little disappointed. Ye Jue pulled it out too fast. She wanted to experience more.

Uh... there is another thing called walking can, do you want to try it?

Ye Jue thought for a while.

Go away, okay!

Qin Jiaxian nodded.

Okay, here I come.

Ye Jue suddenly placed the cupping jar around her neck, and then began to move the cupping cup along her spine from top to bottom.

Ah~~It feels so good~

Qin Jiaxian couldn't help but shout out again...

In this ruins.

A young man with disheveled hair was eating snake meat stewed with top-quality medicinal ingredients, and his mouth was full of oil.

Another woman in silver clothes with beautiful red lips, her cheeks were also swaying, and she was very satisfied with her meal.

It smells so good. I feel like my physical fitness is obviously improving.

Qin Jiaxian praised.

If you eat like this two more times, I'll level up.

Ye Jue nodded.

This meal of wild game directly boosted his physique to 280 times!

How can it be so easy? We have stewed all the best medicinal materials in one go.

Qin Jiaxian woke up from his intoxication.

Didn't you say that this place is full of restricted areas, mysterious places, and endless opportunities?

Ye Jue's eyes flashed with blazing light.

That's right, you and I will team up and combine our two powers to sweep through the restricted area of ​​life!

A powerful aura erupted from Qin Jiaxian's body, shaking the ruins all around.

Actually, I did some research before I came here. I know where we can find what we want. Come with me.

she shouted as she took a leap.

You eat so much and you can still dance?

Ye Jue actually admired her.

Qin Jiaoxian, with his swollen belly, was not satisfied and wanted to take him to find a new goal.

What a fierce girl.

However, since she is so beautiful, there are probably many people who covet her beauty, right?

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