He looked around and said:

There are a lot of demon corpses here. Please help me open their heads. If you find any flesh-and-blood demon cores, give them to me. Regardless of whether they are there or not, this pack of beef jerky will be your reward.


Dong Minmin asked with a startled look on his face.

of course it's true.

Ye Jue casually threw a weapon over.

In short, he just didn't have any hope.

Dong Minmin looked hard at the beef jerky and picked up the fire ax.


He slashed at a demon's head.


There is no... the flesh and blood magic core this man mentioned.

Dong Minmin was disappointed for a moment, then raised the fire ax again and struck the other one.


The demon's head was chopped into pieces and blood flowed from the top of his head.

It's all over the face, making it even more ferocious.


Now is simply not the time to be afraid.

To get beef jerky!

She has to do it!

Dong Minmin raised the fire ax in his hand and struck again.

While Dong Minmin was working.

A group of soldiers were looking at the hospital.

have to say.

Scary and spooky!

I don’t know what kind of demons are filled inside.

However, there are obviously still supplies in the hospital that can be looted.

Let the survivors of the Grand Theater go first while we go search for medical supplies.

A group of soldiers stepped on the cigarettes that had been burning under their feet.

The soldiers nodded and began to look for the entrance to the hospital.

After all, the doors and windows are sealed.


A rat contaminated by demonic material suddenly appears.

Almost as big as a husky!

It was frightened for a moment and immediately went back.

There should be a passage over there.

Dong Hu stuck his head out of the car and pointed in that direction.

He couldn't move yet.

But I was shocked when I saw that the mouse was as big as a dog.

A human should be able to barely squeeze into the passage opened by it.

Someone went over to look for it.

Sure enough, he discovered the rat passage and entered the hospital first.

I found it, I found it!

Right now!

Dong Minmin suddenly made a sound excitedly.


What did you find?

Ye Jue was startled!

Demon core, is it this?

Dong Minmin threw away the ax and her arms became weak!

She almost collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

He ran over weakly.

Spread your hands!

Sure enough, a magic core as big as a bottle cap was lying in her hand.

I wipe it!

Really found it?

What kind of bullshit luck is this?

Or is it that the magic core output is inherently large?

Ye Jue was dumbfounded!

Isn't it this...

Dong Minmin asked with an embarrassed look on his face when he saw Ye Jue in a daze.


It seemed that Bai was very excited.

No, you found the right one, this is it.

Ye Jue felt ashamed.

He gently pinched the magic core.

Except it's a little smaller than the previous one, everything else is exactly the same.

Great, then...

Dong Minmin was excited and couldn't help but look at the bag of beef jerky on the ground.

Take it away.

Ye Jue waved his hand.

Hear him say that.

Dong Minmin was excited!

He quickly picked up the beef jerky, tore open the package and ate it.

at this time.

Ye Jue took out a bottle of mineral water and a pack of instant noodles from his space bracelet, and gave them to Dong Minmin.

He took all these supplies without incident.

Give me all these?

Dong Minmin was stunned for a moment.

He even stuttered.

There are even mineral water springs and instant noodles!

Yes, but there are conditions.

Ye Jue looked at her with a smile.

Ah...I...can't...I have a boyfriend, and he's in the hospital.

Dong Minmin bit her lip and looked up at the man in front of her.

She misunderstood.

Obviously, Dong Minmin definitely misunderstood something.

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