I feel the power from you. Although you are a tyrant, your purity is stronger than mine.

Qin Jiaxian's eyes showed a strange look.

That's because I swallowed a mysterious liquid and completely merged with it.

There were golden threads shining in Ye Jue's eyes, and golden breath could be emitted from the pores all over his body.

You are so bold. I can't do it. Those who follow the old path must have a pure body. If there is any abnormality, it will be ruined.

Qin Jiaxian shook his head.

She was not optimistic about the mysterious energy in Ye Jue's body, thinking it was an obstacle.

Nothing like her, with a pure body without any fusion, a perfect fearless body.

In our wasteland, if you want to survive, you must do everything you can to strengthen yourself.

Ye Jue was also a little unwilling!

He was a little envious of Qin Jiaxian's perfect and fearless body. He was so pure and his future was definitely bright.

However, reality does not allow him to do this.

The battle between mankind and hell will continue for a long time.

In the future, when various demon gods crawl out of purgatory, they will definitely have to battle wits and courage with them.

This is a serious time period, and there is no room for him to relax.

Only by completely eradicating the threat of hell can he pursue the ancient path to godhood.

It seems like you're not having an easy time.

Qin Jiaxian blinked.

She was born to be pampered and had various cultivation materials. Although she was physically strong, she had never experienced a life-and-death battle.

Moreover, in her world, not many people practice this ancient path, and there are no resonances.

Now she feels a little deeper and wants to continue to understand this young man and the world behind him.

More importantly, she wanted to find the young man's secret.

Why can her Hun Tian Sphere be completely turned into a useless ball?

So, with that divine seal of yours, can you help me go back?

Ye Jue asked.

He didn't even succeed in cultivating fearlessness, so he had to go back and exploit Kao quickly.

Then we can now look for the large divine seal in this place.

Qin Jiaxian said.

She decided to go and have a look and experience Ye Jue's wasteland world.

Anyway, if there is danger, just use the divine seal to go back at any time.

On the way, she talked a lot with Ye Jue and learned a lot of new things.

You said this place is full of monsters, why didn't I see any of them?

Ye Jue asked.

That's because I sprayed the demon-repelling spray before I came here. The weak monsters will run away from us when they smell this smell, but...

Qin Jiaxian just finished speaking...

Except for the big demon, though.

Ye Jue glanced at the winged tiger monster on the opposite mountain. He was frightened and his heart was filled with shock.

It turned out to be a Tyrant monster, and its roaring sound was deafening.

I can't practice the Huntian Ball now. Don't you want to practice? This tiger blood, tiger bone, and tiger meat are all great tonics and can enhance a lot of physical fitness.

Qin Jiaxian's words were serious and he took two steps back while moving his clothes, as if he did not intend to participate in the battle.

Do you want to see my strength? Or do you want to know other things?

Ye Jue laughed.

He is fused with mysterious gold liquid, and even though he is a tyrant, the purity is quite high.

He leaped away and kicked the tiger monster.


When the tiger monster saw someone dare to kick him, he remembered it on the spot and smacked him with his heavy claws.


The tiger monster was kicked away on the spot, which frightened Qin Jiaoxian.

She felt that Ye Jue's current physical strength was equal to hers.

You know, she has no fear, Ye Jue is just a tyrant.

Maybe it's because he swallowed the mysterious golden liquid. Although he is brave now, it's hard to say in the future.

Qin Jiaxian curled his lips.

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