Give this dog...let her go!

Laifu turned into a black shadow and rushed over, opening his bloody mouth and trying to bite him.

Its teeth are so powerful that they can easily tear apart hell lord-level demons.


Kuroye Jue took a step back and punched him hard.


Laifu was kicked out again, causing one of his ribs to crack.

What benefits did you get, why are you working so hard?

Kuroye Jue asked indifferently.

Benefits? Hahaha...

Laifu looked up to the sky and laughed.

You want to die so much, I will help you.

Kuroye Jue said, and rushed over, intending to blow its head off with one punch.

His body was so much better than Rifle's.

He is God's creation, the most unique body in the world.

There is no need to follow ancient paths to cultivate your body. You will be absolutely stunning when you are born.

I am afraid that except for the devil, Adam is no match.


Laifu resisted with all his strength, even though his whole body was broken due to the beating.

Although it's not dead yet, it probably won't survive.

Brother, if you want to avenge me, the dog's soul will never surrender!

Laifu roared loudly, not knowing who he was talking to.

The power of the Four Symbols was exerted to its extreme, turning into a thick javelin and rushing over.


The speed was so fast that he actually opened his mouth and bit Kuroye Jue's arm, giving him a death roll.


Even though Kuroye Jue had an amazing physique, he could not resist the killing blow of the big wolf dog.

When the sharp teeth shattered, the armor shattered, biting off the arm with the dragon tail stripes, and swallowed it into his stomach.

go to hell!!

Black Leaf Jue's face was extremely fierce, and he slapped it with a palm, hitting the side of its body.

boom! !

Laifu was blown into the sky like a cannonball.

At this time, its eyes were blurry and lifeless.


Kuroye Jue jumped up and whipped his leg hard.

boom! !

A bright red blood mist appeared in the entire sky.

The big wolfdog with only half its body was taken away by the shock wave, flew out of the base, and fell into the sea of ​​demons.

The Rebirth of the Dragon...

Kuroye Jue looked at the broken wound and growled.


Flesh, flesh, and bones are growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, a perfect arm appeared.

He was very satisfied, grabbed Su Yan's body and flew to the headquarters.

Protect my woman, and I will kill the devil.

Black Leaf Jue said coldly, turned around and left.

very scary……

Is this really that piece of divine flesh and blood?

Too strong.

The top brass at the base headquarters felt their scalps go numb.

Fortunately, such people can be controlled by them, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.


Only a thoughtful person noticed one small thing.

The dragon tail tattoo on the arm that Kuroye Zetsu regenerated actually disappeared.

It's as if the entire tattoo is broken...

No one seemed to notice this.

The man shook his head, feeling that he had thought too much.

We won.

Big victory!

Eradicated the peak realm, just like the stars and glory at that time.

Some people were so happy that they discussed it.

After all, everyone has witnessed the power of Black Leaf Jue.

With this existence, it is only a matter of time to lead the base to kill all the demons.

So, they all agreed that this was a big win!

I hope so.

Long Shaoqin suddenly sighed.

I don’t know whether what happened today is right or wrong...

I'm afraid, this answer can only be revealed in the future.

However, no one noticed...

Wherever the devil treads...

The soul that should have passed away slowly woke up...

Although, very weak...

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