Hmph, just play with fire. Sooner or later, something will happen. Dr. Xiao, let's go.

Director Wu felt his heart felt better and turned around to leave.

It's very unwise for you to complete this plan secretly.

Dr. Xiao shrugged his shoulders and walked out.

Researchers should put research first, not emotion. You two are disqualified.

Zhao Yin said coldly behind them.

No one saw that the corners of his mouth were raised at an angle, like a devil.

Ignore them, Professor Zhao Yin, now order Heiye Jue to eradicate all the demons in front of you!

Wei Ting said quickly.

Okay, no problem, let's actually start the plan and let Heiye Jue level up first. This is the perfect battlefield.

Zhao Yin nodded.

Black Leaf Zetsu, kill them all!

Seeing this, Long Shaoqin shouted in a low voice.

Are you Su Yan?

Are you Xu Ziyue?

Are you Yang Wenchao?

Are you Cheng Xuan?

Then you are Dong Hu? you...

Kuroye Jue counted everyone in detail, and he actually knew everyone's name.

It seemed as if Ye Jue was really standing there, calling their names.

But the tone was too unfamiliar, and there was a playful tone in it.

This made Su Yan and the others feel a little uncomfortable.

His personality is very different from the real Ye Jue's.

The peak realm, interesting, I am your president?

Kuroye Jue suddenly laughed.

There is only one president in the peak realm, and that is the real Ye Jue!

Su Yan said coldly.

What does that have to do with it? Am I not Ye Jue?

Black Leaf Jue was slightly startled.

Of course you are not. I don't know who you are, but imitators are imitators after all, and they can never transcend the original body.

Su Yan is unforgiving and speaks her mind.

You are looking for death...

Kuroye Jue's face suddenly darkened.

It was as if these words touched his nerves.

An evil spirit emanated from him.


Everyone was trembling slightly, with chills rising from their spines, and their scalps felt like electricity.

The aura of this Black Leaf Zetsu is too cold and too dark.

It's like darkness is closing in on you, trying to swallow you up.


He turned into a black lightning and came towards Su Yan.

The speed was too fast and it was impossible to see the body clearly.


With a crash, the big wolf dog stepped forward and collided with Kuro Ye Jue.


With an explosion, the big wolfdog spilled a large amount of blood and flew far away.

How come, Laifu actually lost?

No. 6 on the hero list, and he was knocked away all at once?

In the end what happened?

A group of people were confused.

The origin of this Black Leaf Jue is so mysterious that he defeated the Zhenhui Divine Beast all at once, which shocked them all!

You know, the town beast has an invincible image in most people's minds.

Now that this scene is happening, my mentality is a bit shattered.


Why are you so strong?


Cheng Xuan, Xu Ziyue, Yang Wenchao, and Dong Hu all changed their expressions!

They all knew the strength of the big wolf dog, and now he was defeated instantly.

This means that the power of Black Leaf Jue is absolutely no less than that of the original body!

So what about the true body? If the true body is coming, I will kill him. Then won't I become the true body?

Kuroye Jue has a serious shadow in his heart and feels that he must kill the main body no matter what.

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